Chapter 17 Two Hearts as One

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Katrina's POV

I'm not sure how much time has passed since Killian raped me and left me alone but finally I have managed to gain the strength to sit up properly against the wall. My body is still aching and hurting but at least I can sit up and try to get comfortable. My legs and arms are covered in bruises and I can feel the blood mixed with his cum dripping out of me, dripping down my thighs and onto the floor. It makes me cringe and hate myself the more I think about, feeling so unclean. So I have tucked my legs close to my chest to hide myself. It's the only way to cover myself with nothing on and stuck in handcuffs.

The tears however are still falling silently down my face and all I keep thinking about is that Loki won't want me now. I don't want me now. I'm horrified he did this to me and I hate myself for it. I am so unclean, tainted, disgusting and it was so painful. He wouldn't stop and I can feel the blood and the cum and it makes me want to die inside. And when Loki does come after me, he is going to find me like this and he won't want me. I'm dirty and gross, tainted. I was raped, violated by another man and he's going to hate me. I'm going to lose him.

Oh Loki, I wish I had gone with you.

Taking a breath, I wipe away my tears as I try to calm down and not think about how much my body hurts or how much I hate myself. I look down and my eyes widen when I see the pendant necklace around my neck is glowing. Loki is trying to find me. I want him to find me but he is going to hate me. Will he forgive me? Will I lose him?

Then a voice speaks into my mind, which catches me off guard, 'Katrina can you hear me?'

My eyes widen as I recognise his voice, 'Loki?'

'It's me my love, I'm here.' A tear rolls down my cheek, a tear of relief, 'I'm coming for you my love, we all are. Are you ok?'

I gulp, hesitant to tell him, 'I...' But I stop myself, not wanting for him to hate me.

'Katrina please talk to me.' He begs, sounding so worried, 'What's wrong? Has someone hurt you?'

'I don't want you to hate me.'

He responds quickly, 'I could never hate you. Why would you think I would hate you? What has happened? What's wrong?'

Taking a breath, I will myself to tell him, 'Killian he... he... he raped me Loki.'

Tears begin rolling down my cheek and I clutch my legs tightly, dreading his reaction and I feel so ashamed and horrified. I'm so dirty and gross. Please don't hate me, please don't hate me.

I begin to explain but the tears keep falling, 'I'm so sorry. I woke up naked and chained and he pinned me down and I couldn't fight back and... I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry.'

He interrupts me, 'Shh my love, calm down, don't apologise. This isn't your fault.'

'You don't hate me?'

'I could never hate you.' He tells me, 'I love you and I always will. That bastard won't change that and I promise you I am coming for you. I will be there as fast as I can and I will make him pay for hurting you.'

I nod, 'I just couldn't...'

He continues to reassure me, 'Don't blame yourself Katrina. You are still my girl, my love, no matter what he has done. He will pay for hurting you and trust me, he will suffer for this. But I don't hate you or blame you or anything. I hate the man who hurt you, not you.'

'I thought I would lose you.'

'You will never lose me.' He reassures me, 'We are nearly there. Just hold on a little longer my love. I love you.'

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