Chapter 40 My Saviour

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Loki's POV

When I said goodbye to Katrina, I thought it was my end as the ceiling came crashing down on me, Damian, and warriors from both sides. It was horrible. I didn't want to say goodbye, I didn't want to die. At least I could say goodbye to her but seeing her crying, being held back by Sif as she begged me to escape... when I knew I couldn't, it was horrible. She begged me not to leave her and I didn't want to. God, I didn't want to but I would have happily died for her. I love her too much to lose her, to leave her behind and yet it seemed like I had no chance. There was a slim chance I would survive and when I got hit, I didn't expect to survive. I thought I would die and then... then I woke up.

I woke up down in the labyrinth of tunnels underneath the palace where a battered Damian dragged me. He began torturing me, annoyed he had lost everything including Katrina and I was horrified when I awoke to find he had sewn my lips shut. It was horrible and yet the torture was nothing compared to what Thanos did. And yet it still bloody hurt, the string chaffing my lips and the several thousand cuts all over my body. But even though I was weak and battered, I managed to stab him before he chained me up and left me to die. So if I were going to die, at least he could die with me, for hurting my girl.

The days went by slowly and I thought for certain I was going to die this time. My body might have been healing slowly thanks to my magic, but I was too weak and I couldn't speak so I couldn't call for help. I began to lose hope that anyone would find me so when I heard Katrina trying to wake me, I thought for a moment I was dreaming. I was hallucinating. But I woke up to see her there, having just freed me from the cuffs and the string on my lips, not to mention healing me. I was astonished and yet I couldn't have been more relieved. She had found me, saved me and soon I found myself on my way home. Reunited with her, my brother and my friends.

I thought I was going to die and she saved me. Katrina, the love of my life and my fiancée saved me and I am amazed by her. She shouldn't have come for me considering she needed to rest and recover, not to mention the danger she was in. And yet she risked everything to come and find me the moment she recovered. Thanks to her, I am still alive. I am still alive and I'm home. God, I love her so much and I can't wait to have her in my arms. To thank her and love her and worship her. We have been together for so long but she continues to surprise me, to shock me. She always said she would save me if she had the chance and she did. She saved me like she said she would, to protect each other and I can't wait to wake up and see my gorgeous girl.

I'm so desperate to see her so I force myself to try and wake up, no longer feeling weak and back to full strength. I find myself in the healers, lying in bed and I'm relieved to be home. I turn my head to see my brother sitting in a chair, talking to our parents and none of them have noticed I am awake yet. But I am saddened when I see Katrina isn't here but I see the time and it's late. They must have sent her to bed to rest. God, I can't wait to see her.

"We should go to bed, my dear." Father says to our mother, "I'm sure he will wake up soon."

She frowns, "I hope so."

My brother nods, "He will wake up soon mother. Loki has escaped death a thousand times and this is no different. Even though it still annoys me." He says, making me smile, "He has suffered worse than this and he always survives. I just wish he would stop scaring me."

This makes me chuckle as I sit up, turning to face them as my legs hang over the bed, "Just keeping you on your toes brother."

Immediately they all turn to look at me, gaping at me in shock that I am awake and I smile at them, incredibly happy to see them. Considering twice in three days, I thought I would certainly die. They snap out of it as I get off the bed and I'm pulled into a hug by my brother followed quickly by my mother and my father. All of them have clearly been worried and have missed me a lot. Mother hugs me twice and I pull away from her.

"Mother I'm ok." I reassure her, "I am all healed thanks to Katrina."

She looks at me, still worried, "You had us worried sick. We feared for a moment you had died when we couldn't find you and I feared you were really gone... until we got the news that Katrina had found you."

Father nods, "Indeed we thought we lost you. What happened son after the battle?"

I then explain, "Well after I said goodbye to Katrina telepathically and got hit by all the debris, I woke up in the labyrinths of tunnels underneath the palace. Damian had dragged me down there, annoyed we had bested him and that he lost his army and Katrina. In his rage, he had sewn my lips shut and brutally tortured me." I say making us all cringe, "He then proceeded to chain me up and leave me to die but I had stabbed him fatally in the struggle. He died soon after and a few days later, Katrina found me. I believe you know the rest."

They all nod and Thor looks at me, shaking his head, "Only you could escape death twice in 3 days but I'm pleased you are alright brother. I am so sorry."

I give him a look, "What do you have to be sorry for brother? It's not your fault what happened to me. You couldn't have prevented the palace exploding nor the torture Damian inflicted."

He frowns, "But you have been chained down there for three days and I should have found you. I should have..."

I interrupt him, patting him on the shoulder, "Damian chained me down there, not you. He wanted me to die down there and he orchestrated it so no one would find me. That's why he sewed my lips shut so I couldn't call for help and be found." I tell him, "I was just lucky that my lovely fiancée sensed my magic and saved me. So please stop blaming yourself."

He nods, signing in defeat, "God you are stubborn brother. You are rubbing it off on Katrina, she is stubborn as you are."

"That she is. Speaking off, where is she?"

"We insisted she had some food and went to bed." Mother tells me, "She didn't want to leave you until you woke up."

This makes me smile, "Then I best not keep her waiting any longer."

Father nods in agreement, "You best not. She is a remarkable young woman, literally an angel due to her wings and I have already thanked her for her actions. She convinced me to let her go to find you."

I chuckle, remembering what they said, "Yes I heard she told you off."

"Indeed she did and I deserved it." He says, surprising me, "I gave up hope you were alive and nearly let that blind me. Which is why I will eternally be in her debt and look forward to her joining our family." I smile before he adds, "We best turn in for the night. I'm pleased you are ok son."

He hugs me again as does mother and my brother before they leave the healers and go to bed. I use the private bathroom in the healers, having a quick wash before changing into a fresh attire that had been brought here for me. It's one of my simple outfits. My black pants with long green tunic robes along with my usual leather jacket and trousers. I feel much better now that I am clean and out of the torn outfit which was damaged to the point of no repair. The healers also bring me some food for me to have and I devour it quickly, having missed food the past 3 days. I feel like myself again and yet I don't linger, leaving the healers immediately after I have eaten so I can go to her.

I'm desperate to see her. We were so close to being ripped apart forever and yet we both survived. I saved her life and was more than willing to give up my life for hers. At least my death would be worth it and yet I escaped death twice and the second time, she saved me. She saved me from the cruel fate Damian had orchestrated for me, freed me, healed me and brought me home. Risked her life and even told off my father to come and find me. Even though she could have easily believed I was dead like my family did. She saw me fall and yet she refused to believe I was dead. She held onto hope, she looked for me and she saved me. If it weren't for her, I would have certainly died and it makes me love her even more. And I didn't think I could love her more. I love her. I love her stubbornness, her passion, her desire, and her hope.

In seconds I have reached our chambers and I slip inside, relieved to be home. The bed is empty, much to my surprise and then I hear humming in the bathroom. She must have been bathing due to the heavenly aroma in the air but it sounds like she is changing and I don't want to disturb her. I resist the urge to see her, hold her as I go over to the fire and begin removing my clothing so I am just in my long green robes and pants. God, she is hard to resist. I want to run into that bathroom and hold her tightly in my arms forever and never let her go. But she will be out soon and I can be with her for the rest of my life.

My love, my girl, my saviour, my princess, and my angel.

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