Chapter 43 Surprise

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The days after were constant balls, parties, and gigantic feasts as there were so many announcements that I kind of lost count. We had welcome back balls for Loki and I after everything that happened with the Dark Order. The tale of Loki nearly dying to save me gave him a lot of praise and it seems he has the full respect of the people. All happy to have him back and impressed with his love and dedication for protecting the realm, defeating the order, and risking everything to save me. This made me so happy as I knew how important it is to him that the people liked and respect him. And now they all do, all doubts about him cleared. Loki now seems a lot happier and confident, no longer seeing himself as a monster. He never was one but I am pleased he finally believes that.

Unfortunately, I got a lot of praise as well for saving him but it was more bearable with Loki by my side. Everyone got used to my wings quickly so I barely got any stares but I found often some curious aristocrats asked too many questions. About my wings, my stronger powers, and about how I managed to find and save Loki. I often tried to change the topic or Loki would steer me away whenever I wasn't comfortable with the million questions. And then the announcement was finally made that Loki and I are engaged.

The celebrations lasted weeks, every night having large feasts and eloquent balls in our honour. With the tales of the order and our hardships, it has made our relationship status more popular than ever before. So much it felt like the balls would never stop and yet I loved every second. Finally, me and Loki could celebrate our engagement and I could show off my engagement ring and talk about happier times. The idea of getting married to Loki has made me so happy, so thrilled that I will be his and he will be mine. He will be my husband and the idea that we would be together until we die, makes me so happy and excited. Nothing will tear us apart and I can't wait to start the next chapter of our lives, as husband and wife.

And yet with the celebrations, I have been a tad disappointed as we couldn't celebrate our engagement with my brother or my friends from Earth. We did send invitations, even got permission from Odin so they could come but they had to decline as something was going on Earth. Some natural disaster and they couldn't come. But I tried not to let it upset me as me and Loki are happy and with the order gone, it's time to begin planning our future. I just hope that I get to see them before I get married.

The next few months slipped by and me and Loki got consumed with planning our wedding. It took up most of our time and yet it has been a lot of fun. I've been spending a lot more time with Frigga and Sif, doing our vows, choosing a wedding dress and then doing the other arrangement with Loki as well. We have barely had time to do anything else and occasionally we just hide in the library and do magic for an hour or two to get a break. But still, with every arrangement made, our wedding day was getting closer and closer. I'm so excited but petrified. Loki will be my husband, I will be his wife which means I could potentially be Queen one day if Loki is chosen to be the next King. He seems to doubt it but it's possible and it's a scary thought. That's a lot of responsibility and yet I don't mind as long as I get to be with Loki. I just want to spend the rest of my life with him, happily married and with the man I love. I do wonder what my mischievous prince has planned for our honeymoon?

Today is the day. It's finally our wedding day and I'm in Frigga's chambers getting ready with the help of her and Sif. I stayed in Sif's chambers last night so I was away from Loki as my actual room is too close to him and it would be impossible to resist him. Hence her watching over me so I don't run back to him which was tempting. But it's bad luck to see the bride just before the wedding and I want to honour that tradition. Even if it does suck.

The wedding is in a few hours and we have been doing my hair, makeup, and helping me get into his wedding dress that screams I'm Loki's bride. It's so eloquent and sports Loki's colours. It's an emerald green gown, low cut with a golden helm, and has roses that go down the side which goes all the way down to the end. I also had some extra design input and requested them to put small golden horns around the bottom that looks like Loki's helmet. I couldn't resist. It's also backless so I didn't have to worry about my wings and is designed to show off my curves. As well as a cape that also has a hole in it for my wings and drags behind me. I look flawless, beautiful and I can't wait for Loki to see me in it. His jaw is going to drop at the sight of me and I can't wait to see him, waiting at the top of the aisle for me. I can't wait to marry him.

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