Chapter 34 The Sacred Gift

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Katrina's POV

I feel myself beginning to wake up and a part of me doesn't want to as I fear where I will be. The Dark Order took me, they actually got me and I couldn't escape them. I tried. But they got me and I couldn't escape Damian and his bloody grip. I was just trying to heal Loki and he got me from behind. Bloody bastard and he knocked me out. Bastard and the worse bit is that I don't even know if Loki is ok. I believe he is, he has to be as he has this habit of escaping death. But still... he took that grenade for me and was badly hurt. I just got to hope that he is ok and that he will come for me. Save me from Damian before he... before I find out the reason he took me and possibly... hurts me... I can't think about it.

Slowly I force myself to open my eyes and I'm surprised to find myself laying in a silk queen size bed in a room, not in a cell for once. I sit up to see my wrists are handcuffed and chained to the bed but it's long so I can move around and the cuffs are not too tight so that's something. Considering the last time they tried to restrain me, they made the ropes so tight that it made my wrists bleed. So that's something at least but I can't get them off and I can't feel my magic. Anti-magic, I'm defenceless but still, I want to see if I can work out where I am.

So I turn my attention to the rest of the bedroom but it's barely a bedroom. It's just a bed and a private bathroom, nothing else here. However it's not just the room that has caught my eye, the walls off the room appear to be frozen black ice and I notice a barred window. I wonder...

I scramble out of bed and over to it so I can see where I am and quickly realise why this place seems to be made of ice and why it's so cold. I seem to be in an ice palace in a tower and the whole palace is surrounded by a moat of water. But the water is strange and I notice as the sun slowly goes down, the water turning to ice and making a safe passage over it. What a strange place.

God knows where I am but I suspect it's Jotunheim or maybe one of its moons. I'm not sure but despite the cold and the fact I am being held prisoner against my will, it's still rather beautiful. But I'm soon distracted as I hear someone coming up the stairs and I turn to the door as it unlocks and Damian comes in.

He smirks as he comes in the room, holding a strange electric rod and I move back, not liking where this is going.

"The beautiful princess Katrina is awake." He says with evil smile, "Sleep well?"

I glare at him, moving away from him, "What do you want with me Damian? You finally got me so I want to know why you took me? Why? Why all this bloodshed just for me?"

He smirks, "I guess I should tell you, you will find out anyway in a moment." He moves closer, "Marlowe's royal family are born half Asgardian and half Goddess as you know. But due to their goddess side, they have a rare gift."

"What rare gift?" I ask him, wanting answers.

Then he finally tells me, "They have wings, angel wings."

My eyes widen in shock and I feel my jaw drop, "What? That's... I don't have wings."

This makes him chuckle as he moves closer to me and I move back but end up slamming back into the wall. I struggle against the cuffs, wishing I could move away from him as he stops in front of me, playing with the rod in his hands. It makes me shiver, fearing he is going to hurt me and yet all I can think about is his words... wings... I can't possibly have wings. I would know if I had angel wings. Surely they would have come out at some point when I used my magic or been taken or tortured or something. He must be lying. He has to be.

I shake my head, "You're lying. I don't have wings."

He smirks, "Oh but you do. It's a sacred gift that runs through your family and it's the reason I have been after you. I wanted your wings, they are priceless. Hence why I killed your parents to get them."

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