Chapter 68 Lost in Oblivion

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*Warning Strong Sexual Content ahead*

We begin to lose control and in seconds I am pinned against a wall as we make out, both of us fighting for dominance. My hands are running over his bare chest and hair, desperate to touch him and he is the same. His hands going all across my body, massaging my boobs through my bra before I feel his hands behind my back. He unclips it before ripping it off my body and begins rubbing my nipples, making them hard. Moans keep escaping my lips as we kiss, making him kiss me harder. God how I have missed his touch, this feeling. So good.

"Mmm, I have missed that sound." He whispers between kisses, "Your delightful moans... mmm... how loud shall I get you moaning my angel? As I worship you again and again."

I moan, "But Hope..."

He interrupts me, "Oh don't worry, she can't hear us no matter how loud we are. We can hear her but she can't hear us. A special spell." He kisses me deeply, "So, how loud shall we be?"

I smile, "Let's wake up the palace."

He smirks, "God I love you."

His lips capture mine again before he taps my legs and I jump up, wrapping my legs tightly around his waist. I wrap my arms around his neck, our lips locked as he carries me over to the bed. Not breaking the kiss nor diluting the roaring fire between us. If anything it's heating up as we are both so desperate to touch each other, be with each other after so long apart. 7 years of no sex, of no contact, of nothing, and now the beasts are unleashed.

Reaching the bed, he lowers me down on it before climbing on top of me so I can feel the bulge in his pants against my thigh. He is so hard, I can feel it and god I want him. I want him badly but I am quickly distracted by his lips, kissing the sweet spot on my neck and making me moan loudly. Thank god Hope can't hear us as it feels so good and I don't think I could be quiet even if I really wanted to. I feel myself getting wet as he moves down my body, kissing my neck and going down to my breasts which he cups in his hands. Massaging them and kissing them, his touch electrifying and making them ache and my nipples hard.

"You're so beautiful." He whispers, sucking on my breasts, making me moan, "Have your breasts got larger?"

I moan, "Mmm a little. Another benefit to childbirth. You like?"

He smiles at this, kissing me on the lips, "Oh I like a lot, more for me to play with, to cup in my hands." He cups my breasts, making me moan, "Mm so big and beautiful."

Loki returns to my neck, kissing me deeply before slowly moving down my body and back down to my breasts. He massages them a bit but doesn't linger, moving down to my belly and kissing it. His lips on my belly makes my skin tingle and I feel the feeling stir. His touch is so electrifying that I'm getting wet and starting to squirm underneath him. But he keeps me still, his hands on my breasts keeping my body down and his legs on either side of mine, keeping them pinned together.

"Maybe I should get you pregnant again." He whispers, kissing my belly, "I would love to see your belly round, carrying my child, glowing... I want to see you carrying my child this time."

I look at him, my hands going through his hair, "You will. You will be their next time."

He smiles, looking at me in awe, "You want to have another child? Are you sure?"

"Loki I would love to have more children with you. Hela and Hope could both do with some more siblings and we deserve to be happy. A happy family." I say with a grin, "One big family."

"Our big family." He says, matching my grin.

I smile, "But first, you better get me pregnant again."

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