Chapter 44 Declaration of Love

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We reach outside the throne room and we stop outside, waiting for our cue, and it's nearly time. I'm about to walk down the aisle and get married. But I barely get the chance to think when we hear the music and the doors are opened. It's time and I smile at Tony before we begin going inside.

The throne room has been completely transformed. There are banners of green and gold strung up with a red carpet going up to where the thrones normally are. Instead, there is an altar on top of the stairs with Odin in the centre with Frigga, Sif, Nat, and a teenager who must be Hela on the left-hand side. While on the other side is Thor but more importantly my gorgeous Loki. He is dressed in attire which is much classier and has more gold on it. His hair has been gelled back and he is staring at me, a smile on my face.

A smile spreads across my face as we begin going down the aisle towards them, past the thousands of guests on either side. I catch a glimpse of the warriors of three, beaming at me, and then I see all my friends beside them. Bruce, Steve, Clint, Fury, Coulson, Vision, Wanda, Sam, Rhoedy, Maria, Pepper, and Morgan. I can't believe they are all here, smiling at me and I can't help but smile back. Some are gaping at my wings and it makes me chuckle under my breath. But I turn my attention back to Loki and I can't stop staring at him as he looks at me in awe, memorized by my appearance. No doubt loving the extra details I added to the dress. The lovely horns, the backless part, and the fact you can see all my curves.

We reach the stairs by the altar and Loki comes down the stairs to greet me, very eager to help me up there and get married. Smiling just as brightly as I am.

Tony turns to me, kissing me on the cheek, "I love you."

I smile, "I love you, thanks Tony."

He smiles before turning to Loki, shaking his hand, "Look after my sister."

Loki smiles, "I will."

They shake but they hug before Tony goes up the stairs to join Thor while Loki turns to look at me, still in awe. He is completely taken back and it makes me giggle at his reaction. I knew that he would love the dress, a lot.

"You look stunning." He whispers, "The dress... just wow."

I smile, "I had a little designer input."

This makes him smile before he holds out his hand for me and I take it before we go up the stairs and to the altar. I look at Nat who mouths, 'Wow' to me which makes me smile and I smile at them all before we reach Odin and turn to face each other. The music stops and the hall is silent as we look at Odin who is ready to marry us. It's time for us to get married. It's time.

Odin smiles at us both before he begins, "We gathered here today, from across the realms to celebrate the union of my Son, Prince Loki of Asgard, and Katrina, princess of Asgard, Marlowe, and Earth."

We both smile as he continues the declarations which we repeat to each other, declaring our love and that we will always be together until death parts us. And yet as we go on, we never stop looking at each other.

"Now it's time for the vows and the rings." Odin looks at me, "Katrina."

I take a breath before looking at Loki, "When we first met, I had lost my sight and any hope to go on. I hated what I was so much that I didn't want to live, I nearly took my own life. And then this man, this remarkable man, a god convinced me with his silver tongue to keep going. To keep on living and helped me move past my pain, my fears, and discover this magical side of me that I didn't know about. You made me feel whole, alive, and brought me back to life. From that day we have always been close, protecting, saving, and loving each other unconditionally. We have let nothing tear us apart, even death hasn't stopped us." This makes him smile and people chuckle, "You are a good man and I am thankful every day that you were the man who stopped me. As I would have never met and fallen hopelessly in love with you. I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you, to have a family and love you forever."

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