Chapter 63 One More Trick

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I look at Loki and smile, "I could never stop loving you. Forgive me?"

He smiles, "Of course my love." He moves closer and kisses my hand, "Good acting love."

"You too."

We are all smiling and I turn to see Kai not far from me, staring at me taken back at Hope's arrival and he has realised quickly they all know. Loki removes the fake illusions and I see the warriors appearing all around the room, brandishing their swords. It seems Odin really did tell everyone and they were all ready to act. But so is Kai.

Before I know it, I'm being pulled away from Loki and forced up against the bastard's chest. He puts a sword to my throat before I can react and I struggle against him. But the sword is right at my throat and he is too strong. I am barely gripping onto his arm, trying to keep it from going into my throat as he pulls me further away from him. Shit, I'm a hostage and there is nothing I can do about it. If I dare move, the sword goes into my throat and I'm dead. Dead again.

No one dares move, the warriors standing all around us and god does everyone look pissed, especially Loki. He looks like he could rip Kai's throat out and god I want him to. But he can't with me as his hostage and he looks pissed and worried. Why the hell do I have to be the hostage? Why me? But saying that, I saw it coming. I just hoped I wouldn't be in this position.

"Mum!!" Hope yells, catching everyone's attention as people realise she is our daughter.

I look at her, "Stay back Hope, I'm ok, just stay with Sif. I will be ok."

She seems reluctant but stays back with Sif, Sif protecting her. At least she is safe at last but I am not, I am stuck with Kai. His bloody hostage and something tells me this is going to get worse before it gets better.

"Let me go Kai." I say, struggling against his grip, "You've lost."

He growls, "You tricked me. You told them everything."

"Of course I did. You seem to forget that my husband is the god of mischief and he taught me a trick or two, like tricking fools like you. I already had a plan to save our daughter before I even stepped into Asgard."

"But you were supposed to be mine." He says, actually sounding hurt, "My girl and yet all this time, you were lying to me. Using me. You never loved me for a second, did you? The kisses? The dramatic flair? Everything you have done from the moment we came here has been an act, you were tricking me to get back to your beloved husband."

I look at him, "What did you expect? You took my wings, nearly killed me, and then faked my death which by the way they didn't believe. Not to mention everything you have done including making me keep up this pointless charade and threatening our daughter. Did you really think I could ever love you?" I smirk, "You're delusional."

This just annoys him and he puts the blade right up against my throat, pressing it right up against my skin so I can feel the cold metal. Shit, I might have pissed him off. I don't dare say a word as he tightens his grip and I struggle as I look at Loki, trying to keep the blade out of my neck. He looks pissed but also slightly amused at my words and yet worried.

Loki pulls a dagger, really annoyed, "Let her go Kai. You are surrounded and there is no way you are getting out of here with MY wife."

"You can't stop me. I'm more powerful than all of you." Kai taunts.

Loki chuckles, "Are you? Are you really? Do you know what I did to the last two men who came after my girl? One lost the ability to walk properly, I broke his spine and the other bled out slowly until he died." Kai cringes, "Even if you are powerful as you claim, there is no way you get out of this unscathed. So let her go now and come quietly or this will get very messy."

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