Chapter 38 Sewn Shut

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Seconds later we land outside the glass palace, not having to worry about the moat as it's solid ice but I'm not focused on that. I'm focused on the horrific sight before me. The palace is in ruins. The tower I was in has been destroyed along with the multiple walls and floors of the palace. It's barely a shell of what it was. And its sheer luck the place is still standing considering the amount of damage. It makes my heart sink just looking at it, the chance of Loki being alive growing slimmer but I won't lose hope. Not yet.

I follow Thor and the warriors of three with Sif beside me as we go over to the side entrance where we were before getting cover. The debris which had blocked our view has been removed, clearing a passage inside and the memory of Loki saying goodbye hits me again. It hurts but I won't let the pain consume me as we go inside, being careful of the debris around us.

"Spread out and search for any survivors." Thor orders the warriors, "Clear any passageways and entrances but be careful. There might be traps or men lurking around."

They all nod, saying yes sir or yes prince Thor before they begin spreading out and continuing their search. Removing debris from passages and clearing it off the floor, looking for their fallen friends and hoping for any survivors. I move deeper in, Sif close behind me as I go over to where I saw Loki last. I see blood on the floor but no sign of a body or Damian's actually. But I was sure that he fell down here unless... he managed to move to safety?

I focus on my magic, my hands glowing gold as do my wings as I focus on Loki's magic. There must be a trace of it and then I feel it. Some magic, it's faint but I can feel it and I turn towards the direction that it's coming from. There is a small trail of blood going in that direction and over to a door which is slightly open. Without hesitating, I go over to it and I use my magic to break the debris blocking the door before pushing it open.

A body falls to the ground, making me jump as well as Sif who had come over to me when she realised I had moved. For a second I am frightened it's Loki's body but I am more than relieved and overjoyed to see it's Damian's and he is long since dead. He is drenched in blood, covered in cuts and bruises and it looks like he was stabbed in the chest. Loki's work?

"Is that Damian?" Sif asks me as I kneel beside him.

I nod, checking his wound, "It is and he has been dead a while," I look at the wound before looking at Sif, "He was stabbed with a dagger. It must have been Loki."

She nods, "It looks like it but how did he get behind here? This is nowhere near the battle."

I get to my feet, "I don't know but I felt a trace of Loki's magic in this direction so I'm curious, where does this go?"

Sif drags his body to one side and I focus on my wings, making them go into my back before I open the door fully. I go inside and see steps going down into what I am guessing is some sort of underground system under the palace. The stairs are covered in blood so I am careful going down them with Sif behind me and I spot a familiar dagger at the bottom.

I run down to it and I pick it up, it's Loki's. It's Loki's dagger so he must have made it down here after the ceiling came crumbling down and continued fighting Damian. Which means he could still be alive and I feel the hope rising in my chest along with the doubt. If he survived and stopped Damian, then why didn't he force his way out and back home? I must be missing something but it's a clue and we are a step closer.

"He was here." I whisper, giving her the dagger, "He somehow got down here."

Sif nods, inspecting the dagger in her hands, "But where is he?"

This makes me frown, "He must be down here."

We look around but it's pitch black so I use my magic, producing orbs of light and launching them all around the ceiling. It seems we have found a labyrinth of tunnels, going under the palace and off in many directions. It must go on for miles and yet it's dirtier compared to upstairs. Not made of solid ice but stone and dirt. And then I spot a trail of blood which gets larger as it reaches us and it must have been where Damian came from, after he was stabbed.

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