Chapter 20 One Step Closer

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Its midday and I'm sitting with my brother on his floor and I have changed into a green dress to make myself look a bit classier. Just in case I go to Asgard as I don't want to look horrible in front of Loki's parents aka the King and Queen of Asgard. But there has been no sign yet I can go and I'm losing hope by the hour. Please let me come to Asgard, let me see Loki. Please...

"Relax Katrina." Tony tells me as we chill on the sofa, "I'm sure we will find out soon if you can go."

I force a smile, "And you really don't mind me going?"

"You belong with Loki, we both know that." He says with a smile, "And I am happy with Pepper and Morgan. You need to live your own life but you better visit."

"You know I will." I say with a grin, "Someone has to keep you in line."

He chuckles, "Well I have Pepper for that."

We laugh and then I hear a thud outside on the balcony and I turn to see Thor has appeared and he comes into the lounge. I'm slightly gutted it's not Loki but since Thor is here, that means Odin got my message and maybe I'm allowed to go. He comes over to us, smiling but with a shocked expression on his face.

I smile as I rise to greet him, "Thor it's good to see you."

He hugs me, "You as well Lady Katrina." He looks at Tony, "It's good to see you too my friend. How are you fairing?"

Tony chuckles, "We are good. Just had some shocking revelations, that's all."

That's when Thor turns to look at me and he is staring at me, studying my appearance and is clearly shocked I haven't aged.

"You haven't aged a day." He says, shocked but delighted, "Are you really an Asgardian?"

I nod, "My brother confirmed it. Did Odin get my message?"

He smiles, "Its why I am here. He is requesting your presence on Asgard. He is most eager to meet you, as is my mother."

This makes me smile, "I can go to Asgard?"

"Yes and we must leave right away. They are expecting you promptly."

I turn to my brother, "I'm going to miss you brother, look after yourself. And don't get into any more trouble."

He laughs, "I will try not to."

We hug, saying goodbye before I follow Thor out onto the balcony and I take his hand. I am ready and I wave at my brother as the light comes down on us and then we are gone. It's amazing. We are traveling through space so fast that I can barely think, just staring at the rainbow lights and the realms we go past. It's beautiful and amazing and yet all I can think is that I am one step closer to Loki. One more step closer to seeing him again. One step closer to having a life with him again.

It doesn't last too long and we arrive in a golden room which I'm guessing is the Bifrost. It's quite plain though with the walls covered in golden plate like circle but in the middle is a podium with a man and a sword. That must be Heimdell. He's dressed in golden armour and I see his eyes, gold and shining. He really can see all.

He smiles at me as we approach, "Welcome to Asgard Lady Katrina."

I smile, "Thank you Heimdell and thank you, for delivering my message."

"It was my pleasure Lady Katrina." He tells me, "The King and Queen wait for you in the throne room."

We nod and then Thor escorts me out the Bifrost and I gasp as we step out onto the rainbow bridge, Asgard is beautiful. The rainbow leads all the way to the palace which stands tall, shining gold. There are waterfalls that go over the ledge and the water is glimmering with the rainbow light from the bridge. It looks beyond anything I could imagine and even my description doesn't do it justice. No wonder why Loki missed his home so much. It's extraordinary and its possible now that this could be my home too.

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