Chapter 35 Wings

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I'm pulled out of my thoughts by the sound of commotion coming from outside so I crawl off the bed and move over to the window. Being careful of my wings and my body which still feels weak and aching from the pain of being electrocuted. Not to mention me sprouting wings.

I reach it, the chain pulling a bit on the handcuffs so I have to keep my hands by my waist as I have a look, not wanting to hurt my wrists. I'm surprised to see all the Dark Orders forces assembling outside the gates of the palace, preparing their weapon and it looks like they are preparing for an attack. But there isn't many men, less then hundred from what I can see and I guess the attack on Asgard drained their resources. They are all getting ready to fight and then I see why.

On the other side of the moat of water, which is nearly solid ice, I can see the Bifrost light hitting the ground and Asgardian warriors gathering. There is hundreds of them and I feel a smile spread across my face as I can make out two men in front of them. One in red and one in green. Thor and Loki and I am so relieved. They are both ok, Loki is ok and they are coming for me. Coming to save me from crazy Damian before he takes my wings and kills me. And since they have so many men, they will defeat the Dark Order easily and they will finally be defeated. We will win and I will be saved.

The Bifrost stops and I see them all gathering, ready to fight and it looks like they are waiting for the ice to become solid. The sun has nearly set so it won't be long and then the final battle will begin. It's just the waiting game now.

Then a voice speaks into mind, making me smile, 'Katrina? Can you hear me?'

I sign in relief, 'I can hear you and see you. Loki, are you ok? Are you hurt? The grenade...'

He cuts me off, 'I'm all healed, don't worry and what do you mean you can see me? Where are you?'

'I'm locked in a tower, on your right and I'm by the window hence why I can see you along with the army of warriors and your brother.' I explain to him, wishing I could wave so he could see me.

'Oh I can see you.' He states, clearly able to see the tower, 'The moment the ice is solid I am coming straight for you. But are you ok? l have been so worried.'

I remember the torture and my wings and I sign in frustration, 'Well it depends on your definition of ok.'

'My definition is that you are safe and well and haven't been harmed.' He states before asking, sounding worried, 'Has he hurt you?' I don't respond, 'Katrina?'

'He tortured me, shocked me with an electric rod.' I reluctantly tell him, 'I'm alright, just aching all over and weak as hell.'

He growls, sounding pissed off, 'That bastard. I am going to rip him apart.'

I smile, 'Be my guest.'

'Why the hell did he hurt you? Is it because of that rare thing he mentioned?' He asks me, 'Or was it something else? Because if he tortured you for the hell of it I am going to destroy him.'

'He was trying to awaken my rare gift.' I tell him, 'Which happens to be wings.'

'Wings?!!' He exclaims, 'You have wings?!'

I feel my wings flutter behind me as I tell him, 'He said it was a sacred gift that runs through my family due to my goddess side. I didn't believe him until after he tortured me with this special shock rod that literally made them rip out of my back. Painful but they are beautiful.'

He speaks, sounding flabbergasted, 'I can't believe you have wings.'

'Wait to you see them, they are angelic.' I tell him.

'But what does he want with your wings?' He asks me, 'Or don't I want to know?'

I feel my face go pale, 'Well he said wings like mine are priceless so I imagine he is going to sell them, like he did with my parents wings and make a fortune.'

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