Chapter 62 Fight For Me

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The next few hours we stayed in our chambers as I had a nap, preparing myself for the feast and the possible fight that could follow. The moment Kai knows that Hope has been saved, he is going to go mad and will probably try to hurt me. He won't want to lose me and I have got to be ready for when he strikes. Especially since I will be close to him and he might try to use me to escape. And the fact is a lot could go wrong but everything is going according to plan. Better than I had originally hoped. As not only does Frigga know, so does Loki and he is no longer suffering or in pain. He knows I've just been acting to protect our daughter and can be there tonight to protect me, save me if it comes to it. Plus we reunited and that first kiss after so long... I will never forget it.

On top of that, Odin no doubt knows by now and has got all the guards ready for when Kai lashes out. And will be prepared if he uses this trinket, whatever it is against us. I'm just worried that Kai will lash out and try to use me use me to escape. Even try and take me again. But I do have one more secret up my sleeve, an advantage that I forget to mention to Loki earlier. It's just a minor detail but it means if the worst happens, I could escape. I just have to be careful. I just hope that Sif and the warriors of three save our daughter and bring her home. And that she is ok. Oh, Hope I really hope you are ok. And after tonight, we will all be together, a family at last.

It's finally time for the feast and we have changed into fresh outfits, him into a suit while I am in a backless gold dress. I look beautiful but I chose a backless dress for a reason, not just to show off my body. It will help with my surprise advantage for tonight not to mention, Kai can't keep his eyes off me. He really is whipped but at least the dress covers up what must be covered. No, don't think about that, focus.

We go into the feasting hall and go over to our usual table, the opposite side of the hall to Loki and my friends. Odin and Frigga nod slightly at me and I smile as I begin eating, knowing Odin knows now and has everything ready. I can tell as there are more guards but most are hidden amongst the crowd out of sight. I also spot Loki and Thor in their usual spot, both eating and I see the clones of Sif and warriors of three chatting with them. You can't even tell they are clones and Kai clearly can't tell either. Not like he would notice. He hasn't stopped looking at me since we began eating, memorized by my appearance. At least he is none the wiser and by the look of it, Thor knows too. Now I just got to wait for Sif to turn up with my daughter and for the fun to really begin.

Everything feels like normal as we eat, casually chatting and eating food, drinking wine. We have moved onto the desert and I am getting a bit anxious. I hope Sif turns up soon before Kai notices anything but he does seem to have something else on his mind. As he is looking at me like he wants to ask me something.

"You have been incredibly good to me the past few days, doing what I say, even agreeing to court me after everything I have done to you." He whispers, "Do you really like me? Like really? As I would understand if you are just doing this for your daughter."

I smile, putting my spoon down, "I didn't think I would like you. But you have been so nice and kind to me over the past few years... you helped me with Hope. So yeah... I really do. And every time we kiss, it's different from anything I have ever felt before with Loki. It's indescribable." He smiles at that, "Why do you ask?"

He smiles, "As when we return home, I want to marry you. I want you to be my wife and Hope my adoptive daughter."

My eyes widen in shock and I pretend to be surprised but happy at the idea. When really I would rather die than be his wife and the sheer notion horrifies me. I love Loki, I don't love him. But I can't say no to him or he might hurt Hope before Sif can get to her. So I just smile brightly, praying to god that Sif is quick and saves Hope soon. Save her please so I can escape him, I don't want to be his wife. I am Loki's wife, not his.

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