Chapter 72 Two Graves

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It doesn't take long for us to reach the Bifrost and Loki gets off before helping me down. He smiles at me and puts his arm as we go inside. Heimdell smiles at us as we go over to where the portal opens as he activates the Bifrost and in moments we are traveling through space. Holding onto Loki tightly and in moments we land outside a graveyard. It's close to a forest and I can spot New York in the far distance. My old home and yet I find myself looking towards the gates to the graveyard, knowing Tony is there. Tony is there and he isn't alive anymore.

Loki sees I'm tense and puts his arm around me, "It's going to be ok Katrina. We can take it slow and there is no rush. I'm here for you. You will be ok."

I smile as I rest against him, "I know it's just... I kind of hoped this day would never come."

"He's at peace now and remember, he never wanted you to see him die. So you followed his wishes and maybe you couldn't go to the funeral. But you're here now and you can say goodbye." He kisses me on the head, "You ready to go inside?"

I nod and Loki keeps his arms around me as we go over to the graveyard and through the gate. It's a strange feeling as we go down the path, past the stones and I try to relax. I try not to think about the dead people around me or the fact I'm about to see Tony. To see Tony's grave and instead, I think about him and all the good times. The last time I saw him just before my honeymoon, where I promised to go on a honeymoon, to have a family and not to see him until the funeral. He was so happy for me, even though we said goodbye for the last time... last time... but Loki saw him again.

Now I remember. Loki said he saw Tony shortly after I died and figured out with him I was alive with his and Hela's help. It's how he got the disk for me. He got it from Tony which means he saw him, he saw Tony one more time and I have to know. Was he ok? Was he happy then?

I look at Loki, "How was Tony? The last time you saw him? When you thought I was dead."

"He was quite well actually." Loki begins, remembering his close friend and my brother, "He was in his room, a drip in his arm and a bit pale but he was happy. Smiling brightly and making something for his daughter Morgan. He was happy to see me and we had a drink together as I told him what I thought happened to you and he got me back on the right path. Made me realise what happened to you." He looks at me, "I promised him I would find and save you, no matter what."

I smile at him, relaxing against him, "And you did. You did save me and I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you. You saved me and you gave me the message from Tony. You kept your promise."

He smiles, "I know and he knew I would. He didn't doubt me for a second. He knew I would save you and give you the message. He even knew he would be dead long before... I just hoped I would have found you before he did."

"It's ok Loki. I'm sure Tony is watching over us and is just grateful that you saved me. Even though I wish I had gone to the funeral, I'm here now and that's all that matters." I kiss him on the lips, "I love you Loki."

"I love you Katrina, always and forever." He then spots something and smiles, "And as for Tony, he's over there."

Taking a breath, I pull away from Loki and follow his gaze to a gravestone not far from us. It actually makes me smile at the sight of it as I go over to it and it's brilliant. I guess I expected a blank gravestone with his name and date and death of birth. Like the other gravestones around us. But instead, he has a stone plaque on a statue of Iron Man, surrounded by slowly decaying flowers from all of his fans.

It amazing and it actually makes me smile as I approach it. It's exactly what Tony would have wanted and it's perfect. It's all about him, showing him off in his prime and I love it. Even though it's sad, it makes me happy that even in death, he showed off his suit. I find myself smiling as I kneel in front of his grave, my hands tracing over his plaque with his name on. But I notice underneath his plaque, there is another one and it has my name on it. With my date of birth and with a fake death date.

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