Chapter 55 Break His Heart

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The throne room is just the way I remember and that includes who is on the throne. Much to my surprise, Odin is still on the throne with Frigga sat on hers beside him. Standing close to her is Thor and finally the man I have longed to see for so long. Loki.

He is standing close to his brother and in deep conversation, clearly eager to go somewhere else. As we get closer, I can't help but admire how hot he looks. He is still wearing his usual attire but his hair is longer and his eyes still the bright emerald green I remember. But he looks like he hasn't slept properly in years and looks in pain. So much pain and he isn't as carefree as I remember. He must be devastated over my death, so much he didn't take the throne like he was supposed to. I hate that Kai has done this to him, to us and yet it's about to get worse.

They all finally notice us as we approach and their eyes widen in shock and utter disbelief. Even Odin looks shocked and he doesn't wear his emotions on his face. But it's Loki's reaction that I am looking at. He has turned away from Thor, staring at me in shock and awe. But it's replaced quickly with concern and worry. I am surprised he isn't running over to me considering I am dead to the world or at least I was.

"Your majesty." Kai greets, "What's with the faces?"

I shrug, holding onto Kai's arm, "It's like they have seen a ghost or something."

Oh, the irony in my words, and it makes me smile a little. I look at Loki, noticing he has moved closer but I focus on Odin.

"Is something wrong your majesty?" I ask Odin, going with the ruse.

Odin clears his throat, "Princess Katrina, we are very relieved to see you. My son has been searching for you and we have all been worried sick."

They didn't believe I was dead. They knew I was alive and someone had faked my death. No wonder why they are not grieving and people weren't surprised I was alive. They knew and Loki has been looking for me. Oh Loki, if only you had found us, then this wouldn't be happening.

I look at them surprised, "Princess? What are you going on about? I'm no princess."

Their faces fall at my words and I pretend to look at them confused. They look at me worried before I look at Loki who has given in and is coming over to me. Practically running down the stairs and over to me but stops just in front of us. He is looking at me, for any hint that I recognise him but I show none. Keeping my face blank and just pretend to be confused. God this is going to hurt more than I thought. So close to my husband, so close to the man I love, and yet so far.

"Katrina please tell me you know who I am." Loki practically pleads, making my heart ache.

Oh god his voice, his voice so velvety and smooth just like I remember. How I have missed his voice, how I have missed him. I love him so much and now I must break his heart.

I shake my head, "No am I supposed to?"

His smile turns to a frown, the pain so readable on his face that it actually hurts. He has looked for me for 7 years and now I return and appear not to remember him. I wish I didn't have to hurt him like this but I have no choice.

"You don't remember me." He whispers, so heartbroken.

He moves back slightly, shocked by the revelation but I focus on Odin who looks very worried now as do they all.

Odin looks at me, "Princess Katrina you have no idea who you are?"

I shake my head, "I have no idea who I am. Who am I? You said I was a princess?"

"You are a princess of Asgard, Marlowe, and Earth. And are part Asgardian and Goddess." He tells me, "You used to live on Earth before coming to Asgard to live with my son Prince Loki." He says, all of them looking at Loki.

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