Chapter 14 The Right Man

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*Warning Sexual Content ahead*

Once I had showered and done my hair, I chose to wear a green emerald dress along with matching lingerie which is also green and lace. Knowing Loki would love the way I look and that it would make it hard to keep his eyes off me.

Unlike my brother, I haven't slept with anyone and I haven't actually ever done it. Ever. It's not like I haven't had a boyfriend back before I was blind. I had so many people coming on to me but I was never interested and no boyfriends stuck around long as they were arrogant bastards. But now I finally have a boyfriend, a man who cares about me and loves me so much. And if I am finally going to lose my virginity, to do it with a man, I want it to be with Loki. I kind of hope to anyway.

I then leave my room and go back into the lounge and Loki has already made dinner and put it on the table in the lounge. He has made lasagne, one of my favourites and has poured us both glasses of wine. I find myself smiling as I go over to him, having missed his presence here and it feels good to have him back on this floor. This floor felt too empty without him.

He looks up at me as I sit down beside him and he stares at me in awe, memorized by my appearance. It makes my cheeks go pink as he looks me up and down with desire in his eyes. I think he likes the dress and it takes him a moment to compose himself.

"You look... ravishing beautiful. Lovely dress." He whispers, unable to take his eyes off me.

I smile, taking my plate, "I chose it as it matches your eyes."

He smirks at that before we both begin to eat, both of us hungry after today's events and it feels so good to finally eat. After eating the lasagne which we easily clear between us, I take the glass of wine as I relax on the sofa with him. I then remember I have no idea what happened on Asgard and how it went. We didn't get a chance to speak about it with me being kidnapped and him dashing in there to save my life. I hope it went ok with his family.

"How was Asgard?" I ask as I sip the wine, savouring the taste, "Was everything ok with your family?"

He smiles, "Actually it was, much to my surprise." He then begins to explain everything that had happened, "I wasn't locked up. Instead I was confined to my chambers and only allowed out for the meetings and private dinners with my family. But it was ok. I got to spend time with my mother, my brother and even my father who was surprisingly nice to me. It was great to see them and I was glad they all believed me, including the council. It just took a lot of time to explain everything."

I nod, "I did wonder why you were gone so long. But if they believe you, are they evoking your banishment?"

He shakes his head, sipping his wine again, "My father wanted to but even though I was mind controlled and everything, I still had to be punished to an extent so the people would accept me. So.. I'm banished for the next 10 years." This makes me frown and he takes my hand, seeing my sad face, "It's ok Katrina, I honestly don't mind being banished. It means I get to stay here with you and I don't mind that one bit. I was very eager to leave today when they told me I could finally come back."

This makes me smile, "You were coming back today? Before you heard me telepathically?"

"Yeah I was actually having my last meal with them, finally telling them about you actually when I heard you call out to me." He tells me before he looks at me, "What happened before I came back? Before you called me? Tony told me what happened here when I found him but... but what did Killian want with you?"

The smile fades from my face and I find myself tense up as I remember what Killian wanted to do to me. How he wanted to experiment on me, cut me open and find out how I ticked. How my magic worked as well as the other thing he wanted. For me to be his and become his girl, his plaything. To violate me. I find myself cringing just thinking about it and Loki notices. He moves closer, holding my hands as he looks at me very worried.

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