Chapter 49 Strawberries and Cream

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*Warning Strong Sexual Content Ahead*

We drink our wine, finishing our glasses before Loki fills them up and I begin nibbling on the strawberries, having missed them on Asgard. So delicious and I even dunk one in the wine and try it, making it taste sweet. Loki notices and tries one before doing the same, surprised by the taste, and ends up having another and another.

"Mmm, I have never tasted fruit so sweet." Loki whispers, savouring the taste.

I smile, biting into another strawberry, "They are brilliant but I don't think Tony brought some here just for the taste."

He looks at me intrigued, "What do you mean?"

"Well, strawberries and cream is something you have with couples. It's very romantic, sharing them and feeding them to each other. Plus some like to... well... like to lick or eat off each other. I have never done it but it's supposed to be nice." I say, my cheeks going red, "I think Tony was hinting at us."

He chuckles, his eyes lighting up with desire from my words, "Oh I see. It sounds like something he would do... do we have any cream?"

I give him a look, "Probably. It will be in a can in the kitchen, squirty cream, probably be in the fridge."

He smirks at this and gets up, kissing me on the lips before going into the kitchen and retrieving the cream from the fridge. He returns to me seconds later, sitting back down beside me with the cream and putting it with the strawberries. I notice he has this mischievous glint in his eye and something tells me he wants to do what I just said. He wants to eat off me and I feel my body heat up at the idea. The feelings stir again and something tells me my recently dry panties won't be dry for much longer.

"Loki what are you up to?" I ask him, intrigued.

He smiles at me, placing his hands on my thigh, "Just something for tonight... but I am curious, how wet were you earlier? When I was teasing you?"

I feel my cheeks go red, very aware of his hands moving closer to my inner thigh, "A little wet. It took a while for my panties to dry."

He smirks, leaning closer so his lips hovering against mine, "I love how much my words affect you. And trust me tonight I am going to have you dripping wet beneath me, aching your head back, moaning, squirming beneath me as you cum again and again. Only my name shall escape your lips and you will love every moment of it and beg for more."

Oh god him and his words. I feel the feelings stir and I try not to think about it but his hand is slipping down my inner thigh and under my dress.

"How did it feel? Walking around wet and unable to do anything about it?" He whispers, slowly starting to kiss my neck, "Did you wish I had continued? Were you remembering that night? That night when you got so frustrated that you begged for release? Clutching onto the sheets? Moaning, withering, squirming. Did you want me then?"

My breath hitches in my throat as I feel his fingers against my lace panties, making me moan but I bite my lip, trying to hold them in. But his words are intoxicating, his kisses are so gentle yet dominating, and his hand is now on my panties. It's making me hot, breathing heavily and I feel I am getting wet again. Him and his dirty words but I am getting turned on by them.

"You going to answer me, my angel?" He asks, removing his lips from my neck, "How did it feel? So wet and horny?"

I bite my lip, "It felt... wrong but good."

He smirks, his fingers rubbing against my lace panties, "And you wanted me to go on?"

"I did." I whisper, trying to ignore his fingers, "I really did."

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