Chapter 32 The Inevitable

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The next few days are strangely quiet with Asgard on high alert and the palace in lockdown, even with the warriors patrolling. But it's the calm, the calm before the storm and we all know an attack is imminent. It's only a matter of time before the order attacks Asgard and try to take me. Take me away and do god knows what to me. Hopefully, they won't succeed and we can stop them but we are all worried. We have no idea when they will attack, except it will be soon or why they really want me so we all on edge. Its why the warriors have increased patrols and why I haven't left Loki's side as we are waiting for the inevitable, for them to attack.

True to my word I have stayed with Loki, never leaving his side as we have held onto every precious day. Knowing even if we don't want to admit it, it could be our last and not wanting to waste a single moment. But it didn't mean we just stayed in our room. We have been spending a lot of time practicing a range of spells as well as reading and dancing. Just enjoying what we love to do the most and having some private time together. Just us and I have loved it, despite everything that is going on. I just pray that once this is over, if we succeed which I pray we do in stopping the order, we can finally start planning our wedding and our happy life together. I just pray that we can have the life we dream about and that... we don't lose it all.

It's been 5 days since Damian and his Dark Order nearly kidnapped me and myself, Loki, Thor, Sif, Odin and Frigga are gathered in the private dining room. We are having a private family lunch since technically me and Sif are family, courting our beloved princes. All of us dressed up and even I have decided to go with a nicer dress, backless for a change so it's right for the occasion. It's surprising that we are yet to have a private dinner with all of us together so it's really nice to have us all here like a family. I really love it as hopefully soon I get to officially be a part of their family as will Sif when Thor finally asks her to marry him. And Sif is quite a close friend of mine so it's nice that we are practically like sisters. I just pray nothing will break this.

We have just finished lunch and the conversation has moved onto our wedding surprising as we haven't mentioned our engagement since before the lockdown. Since we all agreed to delay celebrations until after it was over. But Frigga is eager to begin planning our wedding and I think so is Odin, even if he doesn't want to admit it.

"So I know we said we weren't going to begin planning the wedding yet." Frigga begins, very keen to get started, "But we could begin planning a few things."

Odin looks at her disapprovingly, "Frigga..."

She interrupts him, "We can plan some details, not all, but some. We shouldn't let the Dark Order stop us from looking forward to happier things." Odin nods, signing in defeat before she looks at Loki and me, "Son I believe you have already chosen your best man."

Loki smiles before looking at Thor opposite him, who seems surprised, "Come on brother, who else would I choose? It would always be you."

Thor smiles, leaning over and patting him on the shoulder, "It would be an honour."

This makes me smile, happy to see them so close after everything that has happened and it makes me think. Who would I want as my maid of honour? I guess it would have to be Sif, she is my closest friend here apart from Thor and Loki. And she is very much like a sister to me. It seems like I have already made my mind up.

Frigga looks at me, "And Katrina, have you decided who your maid of honour will be?"

I smile, "Actually I have." I turn to Sif sat on the other side of me, "I just haven't asked her yet."

Sif eyes widen as she looks at me, "You want me to be your maid of honour? Are you serious?"

This makes me chuckle, "Sif you are my closest friend here apart from Loki and Thor. We have become so close and you are like a sister to me. So yes off course I want you to be my maid of honour." She looks at me shocked, "So will you be?"

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