Chapter 57 Asgardian Tango

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The next few hours go by slowly as I change for the ball and pull myself together. Tony's death hurts more than anything but I refuse to let myself get swallowed in grief. He wanted me to live and fight and that's what I shall do. I have to keep up appearances and play the game so I can protect my daughter and hopefully free us from Kai. I cannot let his death stop me from doing that and he wouldn't want me to give up. So I'm going to go on with the plan and hope I can somehow worm my way into Friggas chamber without Kai. But making it look like I have no choice. It will be difficult but I have days and something tells me this might be easier than I thought, considering they all suspicious already, especially Loki.

I saw the way he was looking at me. He might have been in pain from losing me like that but he was worried and concerned. He didn't believe my story of Kai saving me and nor that I don't want to remember anything. Not to mention he gave me the disk and I think he was testing me, to see my reaction. And it wasn't like I hid my pain well so he knows I am lying to a certain degree, which means he will be determined to get close to me and find out the truth. To get me back and save me. It's just a shame I can't tell him. I can't tell anyone. But he knows something is up so it's a start. God I love him and how I wish I were with him now. But I'm home and I'm a step closer to freedom, just got to play the game.

We are both finally ready for the feast and ball and Kai has changed into some Asgardian suit while I am in a gold dress of his choosing. I do look beautiful but a part of me wishes it were green, emerald green. But I still look good and even though I have been crying and mourning, I don't look too bad. I guess it's the comfort that Tony is at peace and I guess since I kind of already said goodbye, it has made it a bit easier to stomach. But still... I do look a bit pale and I have to pinch my cheeks to get some colour. I will be ok, just got to keep going, for Hope.

Once we are both ready, I take Kai's arm and he escorts me out of our chambers and down to the feasting hall. A smile on my face and I am ready to keep up with the charade. I will do whatever I must to protect Hope and if it means I have to hurt Loki, then I will. It will hurt us both but I have to. He needs to see how much control Kai has over me and the more suspicious he gets, the more likely he will get Frigga involved. Plus I need Kai's trust and I can get it if I do this right. I just hope he can forgive me.

We arrive at the feasting hall and go inside to see loads of people feasting. I spot my friends Sif and the warriors of three feasting at their usual spot and stare at me as we go over to the head table. Actually, most people are staring at us but I ignore them as we join Odin and Frigga. Kai sitting next to Odin and with me on his left. Moments later Loki appears beside me, sitting on the other side of me with Thor beside him. Now I see why Odin wanted us to dine with him, so we are all close together and so Loki can talk to me. Very clever.

I sip the wine, savouring the taste before we begin feasting and Kai is snuggling up to Odin. He must be trying to figure out where his trinket is. It makes me roll my eyes as I eat but I soon get distracted. Loki is right beside me and his presence is intoxicating. It's taking a lot of will power not to relax against his shoulder or welcome his embrace. But I admit Loki's presence beside me has made me relax and feel calmer. If only I could actually be with him. Instead, I pretend to ignore him, listening to Odin's and Kai's conversation.

Then Odin taps his glass and the feasting hall falls silent, "Ladies and Gentlemen, it's time for the ball and the first dance of the evening. To celebrate our honoured guests Kai Sullivan and Princess Katrina Odinson." They all clap, "Please, get ready to dance."

Most people get up but before Kai can, Odin taps his shoulder, "Please stay Kai. I wish to talk to you about a private matter."

Kai nods, "Of course. I just didn't want Katrina dancing alone."

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