Chapter 12 A Plea for Help

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Loki's POV

When I came back to Asgard, I expected my father to lock me in the dungeons and only let me out for the council meetings. But I was happily surprised when he decided only to confine me to my chambers and was allowing me to have private dinners with them as well. He was being surprisingly nice and I appreciated it as I didn't want to be stuck in a cell. But still this place felt like one as I found myself wishing I was back on Earth with Katrina, the woman who changed everything. Who changed me.

She knew who I was when she met me and didn't judge me at all for my actions even though she is the sister of Tony Stark who I nearly killed. But she was struggling and I ended up helping her as we became so close as I taught her magic. She became so full of life and happy and I wondered how a woman who felt so low and nearly killed herself, could rise above it and shine. Every day I felt her melting away the ice around my heart as she showed me a different way to live, a new way to see the world and I fell hopelessly in love with her.

I tried not to but she was impossible to resist and I figured since she was blind, she wouldn't want to be with me. And then when I healed her sight, she made it so obvious how she felt about me and I wanted to ask her out. I wanted to kiss her and make her mine. To make her my girl but my brother interrupted and I had to go back to Asgard and leave her behind. It hurts being away from her but I know she is safe and is wearing the pendant so I can find her no matter what. I love her and I should have told her. But instead I have been brought back home and been here longer than I expected, having meetings every day and wondering when I can go home to her.

It's been three weeks since I came home and finally I can go back home to her after my lunch with my family. My father finally believes me somewhat about Thanos and after I told him and the council everything, they are preparing for if he ever attacks and making sure he can't control anyone again. But because of the destruction I caused, I am still banished for the next 10 years which honestly is fine with me. I deserve it but also I get to spend those years with Katrina.

I'm currently having a private lunch before my brother escorts me to the Bifrost so I can go back to Earth. I found myself eating quicker than normal, keen to get back and my brother noticed. It only made him chuckle under his breath which caught my mothers and fathers attention. I haven't yet told them that I had fallen for Katrina, a mortal, considering my father probably wouldn't take it well. We all know he doesn't like mortals.

"Is there something we don't know?" Our Father asks suspiciously, noticing the look I am giving Thor.

I shake my head, "No I'm just keen to go back to Earth, that's all."

"My brother has fallen in love." Thor says, ratting me out.

I look at him, outraged, "Brother!"

He chuckles, "Come on, they were going to find out eventually."

Rolling my eyes, I turn back to mother and father who are wearing different expressions which are practically the opposite. Our mother seems happy by the news but our father looks surprised but disappointed. He hated when Thor fell in love with a mortal and now I have done the same. But I don't regret falling for Katrina, never.

"That's so sweet." Our mother says with the brightest of smiles, sitting opposite me and Thor, "You must tell me all about her."

"You have fallen for a mortal?" Our father asks, sounding annoyed but surprised as well.

I nod my head, "I know you don't approve father but Katrina is different to any other mortal I have met. She accepted me for who I am. She gave me a home on Earth and made me feel welcomed and even defended my actions from when I was mind controlled. She made me see the world differently and considering she was blind, she is so full of life."

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