Chapter 64 Hope Frigga Odinson

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I take a deep breath as I let myself calm down from my outburst as Odin sentences him. No one fazed by me beating him up, all happy I did it and I think they wanted me to hit him harder or even kill him. But that might have looked bad in front of our daughter and I had my fun. All I care about now is that I am free from the bastard and me and Hope are safe at last. Free and I am back with the man I love. Plus no more hiding my wings, it was a pain keeping them in my back so long.

However I am barely listening to Odin as he sentences Kai to death as I feel my neck tinge, it stinging a bit. I toss the sword away as I touch my neck, it making me flinch as I touch it. It's stinging a lot and I thought it was just a scratch. But I can feel blood on my hand and it's not just a scratch. He slit into my neck, slit into it deeply and I guess I didn't feel it. With all that adrenaline and with my wings shooting out. But now I can feel it and it hurts. It really hurts and I feel dizzy. He's cut too deep and I think I am going to collapse. I'm dying, I can feel it and I need Loki. I need him to save me, heal me before it's too late.

"Katrina?" Loki speaks up, noticing I'm unsteady on my feet, "Are you ok?"

I remove my hand from my neck, it soaked in blood, "No, I don't think I am. Loki..." But I don't finish my sentence.

I feel my wings go back into my back as I find myself staggering a bit as I try to face him. But I feel so dizzy and I can barely focus before my legs give out. I collapse but Loki is quick and catches me, wrapping his arms around me. My back against his chest, my head on his shoulder, and I can barely focus.


He interrupts me, "It's ok, I've got you. I've got you." He holds me tightly as he lowers me to the floor, "Just stay awake. Stay awake and listen to my voice. Focus on me."

I groan in pain, trying to focus on him as he sits down. Me on his lap with my back against his chest and my head on his shoulder. Everything is out of focus and I can hear a lot of worried voices but I try to focus on Loki, trying to stay awake. If I close my eyes and fall asleep, I'm dead. And yet I feel so tired and dizzy. My neck stinging and I can feel the blood on my skin. It hurts and I feel so weak, trying to hold in my cries of pain. God I'm so tired.

"Hey Katrina, stay awake. Don't you dare close your eyes." He inspects my neck, "It's not too deep, you will be ok. Just listen to my voice and stay awake."

I focus on his voice, my vision blurry and I nod, putting all my energy into staying awake. I feel his hand over the cut on my neck before I feel his magic on my skin and the cut begins to heal, much to my relief. My vision focuses and I can see properly, everyone very worried but relieved to see I am healing and doing better. I feel much more awake, less dizzy and the pain slowly starting to go as he heals me.

Loki notices and sounds relieved as he scolds me, "I swear I told you to be careful, any deeper and he could have killed you."

I smile, trying not to hiss in pain, "Well I was not going to let him take me away from you again was I? It was just a little too close for comfort."

He chuckles, "You're unbelievable."

"Yeah but you love me for it."

There are a lot of chuckles around the room, including Loki's as I feel his magic on the cut. The pain melts away as he finishes healing the cut, the dizziness gone too. I hear a lot of people signing in relief as Loki removes his hand and clears away the blood with the wave of his hand. I touch my neck, relieved to feel the cut is gone and that I'm ok. It was close but he saved me like I knew he would.

I turn in his lap to face him, resting my head on his shoulder as I enjoy being in his arms again, my hands resting on his chest as I fiddle with his outfit. He doesn't complain, keeping his arms around me as he smiles at me, relieved I am ok.

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