Chapter 50 Worship Me

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*Warning More Strong Sexual Content Ahead*

Doing what I am told, I get off his lap and move to sit on his lap properly, my boobs against his chest and the vibrator dormant inside me. He slowly begins feeding me strawberries, teasing me, and yet every time I move slightly I end up wiggling on the vibrator. Making me moan and squirm. He notices and I can feel him hard against me. I want it out now and he has noticed I'm close to my limit. I'm just too sensitive and he knows it, wishing I could take it out now. I need it out.

"Let's go to the bedroom." He kisses me on the lips, "It's time I worship you for bringing back my daughter. First, let's remove this, no more toys tonight."

He pulls my panties down and removes the vibrator, much to my relief before I kiss him hungrily, dying to have him inside me. He is the same, kissing me back with the same unfaltering passion as we lose control. Using magic to put the fire up, he picks me up and carries me to the bedroom. Our lips never separating as I wrap my legs around his waist and he holds me tightly. It's intoxicating and our lips barely pull apart to breathe as we go into the bedroom and he lays me down on the bed.

We don't stop kissing though, not breaking apart as we make out passionately. It's so loving and intense. I want him inside of me and I need these panties off. So wet that they are clinging to me and rubbing against my folds. It makes me moan against his lips along with the feeling of his hard cock, stuck in his boxers but still rubbing against me.

He pulls away, both of us panting, "I love you so much. I want to worship you every day for the rest of my life. My angel."

I moan, tilting my head back, "Loki... let me worship you."

"Not today." He whispers, "You married me, became my wife, and gave me everything I could possibly desire along the way. And then you give me back my daughter, my precious Hela and now I'm going to be King and you my Queen. I want to worship you the rest of my life and never let you go, my girl." He kisses my neck, "Now I want to tie you up and taste you like I did before. I know how much you loved that. May I, my angel?"

I nod, kissing him, "I want your silver tongue my king."

Then I move slightly, resting my head on the pillow as I put my hands above my head so he can tie them together. He loves my eagerness and produces a piece of green fabric before trying my wrists above my head and to the bedpost. It's not too tight so it doesn't hurt but I also can't free myself. I feel myself getting hotter, dying to be touched as I squirm on the bed. God I want him so badly.

Loki kisses me on the lips, "Relax my love, I don't want you hurting your wrists." He begins to kiss my neck, making me moan loudly, "Just moan and give in to pleasure."

I let myself relax, not pulling on the restraints as I give in to the pleasure he is giving me. It's so intense and passionate that I let myself give in to it. His touch is electrifying as I fall into blissful oblivion as he kisses my neck and goes all the way down my body. Massaging and licking my nipples, sucking them, and making me moan loudly. God, it's soo good and the feelings are stirring, my orgasm slowly building.

He moves closer and finally reaches my panties, clinging to me as they are so wet that they are drenched. I need them off as with every inch I move, they just rub more against my folds and make my wetness and cum drip down my legs.

"You're drenched." He whispers, "Soaked all the way through and dripping. God that's so hot, rubbing against your clit. No wonder why you can't stop moaning."

I squirm, still moaning, "Mmm Loki."

He chuckles, "Don't worry love, I'm about to make you feel immense pleasure."

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