Chapter 42 Drive Me Wild

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*Warning strong sexual adult content ahead.*

Then he kisses me on the lips before he picks me up, making me laugh in surprise as he carries me over to the bed and lays me down. I am about to protest, insisting he rests but he just kisses me and everything I was thinking about vanishes out of my mind. I kiss him back with the same desperate passion, getting lost in the sensation and in seconds my dress, bra, and his robes are off.

He kisses my neck, making me moan, "Loki... we should be... resting..."

"Later. I wish to worship my angel first." He whispers, "Unless you want me to stop?"

I roll my eyes, "Don't you dare."

This makes him chuckle and he continues to kiss my neck before slowly going down my body, making me squirm beneath him. I let the moans escape me as he plays with my breasts, massaging them and making them ache and my nipples hard. He goes lower, the anticipation building as I feel him pulling down my panties, kissing my thighs as he removes them. I'm completely naked and I can see how hard he is. It just turns me on even more, knowing he wants me as much as I want him.

"So beautiful." He whispers before I feel his fingers on my clit, "And you're so very wet for me my angel."

I moan, "Is that my nickname now? Angel?"

He chuckles, leaning over me so he can kiss me on the lips, "You were always an angel to me, just now it's official."

This makes me smile, "Angel it is, my prince."

His lips capture mine and I feel his fingers enter me, making me moan against his lips. We continue to kiss, fighting for dominance as he goes in and out of me. Moving his fingers slowly before speeding up, making me moan louder and louder as I feel the urge build inside me. I'm getting closer and closer and god this feels so good. So lovingly and yet intoxicating, full of passion and he is desperate to touch me. Not letting me go as he continues to finger me and I'm about to...

"That's it, my angel." He whispers, "Cum for me."

That's all it takes for me to cum, going over the edge and god it feels so good. He removes his fingers, smiling down at me as he licks them. It makes me squirm a little against him, rubbing against his hard cock in his underwear which is dying to be set free. He moans at the feeling, looking at me surprised but with lust in my eyes.

"Angel tonight is about you." He whispers, "Not about me."

I give him a look, grabbing his arms and rolling us both over so I am on top of him. He tries to roll back over but I stop him, keeping him pinned down below me.

"I want to worship you, my prince." I say with a smirk, "So what did you say before, lay back and moan?"

He is about to protest but I kiss him, this time letting myself be dominating for once but I can tell he isn't keen. Still trying to roll me over but I am adamant and in the end, he gives in. But he is the god of mischief and I suspect he has something up his sleeve. My thoughts are confirmed when he pulls away, this sly look in his eye.

He smirks, "You want to be dominating for once?" I nod, "Then I propose a game?"

I look at him intrigued as I sit on top of him, "What have you got up your sleeve my god of mischief?"

He chuckles, holding out his hand and in moments a small device appears in his hand. It makes me clench as I recognise it, the vibrator he used on me a few days before everything happened with the Order. He was trying to get me to relax and god I remember how good it felt and very intense. It drove me wild and I think I am going to lose.

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