Chapter 30 His Silver Tongue

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'Warning Strong Sexual Content ahead*

He looks at me with desire in his eyes, pulling me down so I rest my head on the pillow before moving to hover on top of me. Instantly I feel the tension rising as he kisses me passionately and I kiss him back, wrapping my arms around his neck. It's explosive and intense, taking my breath away and my worries fly out of my mind. He deepens the kiss, making me moan in pleasure and god I love him so much. I want him out of those clothes and me out of this nightgown. I want him badly.

Then he pulls away, leaving me panting and wanting more. But he then begins kissing my neck, making me lean my head back on the pillow and moan loudly. I can't help it. He knows my sweet spot and I feel myself getting wet. God he affects me so much, his touch, his lips. I want him, I want him badly.

"There are many things my silver tongue can be used for." He whispers, still kissing my neck, "Maybe I should show you."

My eyes widen, "Loki..."

He interrupts me, "Shh let me worship you my princess. Let me ease your troubles and make love to you." He uses his magic to remove my nightgown, "So beautiful. Now relax and moan."

I'm about to protest, not wanting this to just all be about me but he stops me by kissing me on the neck again. I moan as he removes my bra and begins playing with my breasts, making my nipples hard and ache. His touch is electrifying and I try to resist but he is driving me mad. Slowly moving down my body, kissing me and running his tongue along my skin. He kisses my nipples, sucking on them and I let out a moan. God what is he doing to me?

"Relax." He whispers, "Tonight, it's all about you."

I moan, "But..."

"It's all about you, my future bride, my love, my fiancée." He whispers, going lower, "You need to relax and have a little... pleasure."

"A little?" I whisper, still trying not to moan,"You're driving me wild."

He chuckles, "That's the idea. You said yes to me and now I shall show you how much I love you. So relax my love, give in and moan for me."

I give in and let the moans escape my lips as he moves down to my underwear, still kissing every part of my skin. He reaches my panties and I feel his fingers tracing across the lace and I know I'm drenched, feeling my panties clinging to me. God I want them off and I wished he weren't clothed, I want to see him. But I forget about that as he begins rubbing my clit through my panties, making me wetter and moan even more.

He pulls them down, removing them so I'm completely naked before him. I wish he were naked too, I want to see his gorgeous body.

"You're so wet." He whispers, rubbing my clit, "So wet for me."

"Please." I whisper, "I want to see you."

He chuckles, "Not yet."

I lay my head back on the pillow, wishing he would remove his clothes before he begins teasing me even more. Slowly rubbing my clit and then I feel his finger go inside me. I moan loudly as he moves his finger in and out of me, adding another as he goes faster. God this is so good, so much pleasure and I feel the urge building inside of me. He speeds up and I'm so close when he slows down, making me whine. God I was close, so close to the edge.

Then he removes his fingers and I'm breathing heavily, coming down from my peak and I'm so frustrated. So much for pleasure. I just want to cum.

"Loki please." I beg, "I was so close."

He kisses above my clit, making me shudder, "Oh I know my love. But remember what I said, I'm going to show you the many ways I use my silver tongue. First with your nipples." He states, moving up to suck them and making me moan again, "Your soft skin." He licks down to my clit, "And now, to taste you."

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