Welcome to Slytherin.

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"Transfers will be sorted first, then first years." Professor McGonagall escorts us into the Great Hall.

Long tables lined with students of multiple ages sat in the middle of the room. Each table decorated in color with different houses: Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and of course, Slytherin. The far end opposite of the entrance had the Head table, where multiple professors seated with welcoming smiles.

We made our way to the front of the Great Hall, right before the Head table. Just before it, stood a lone stool with a tatty, old looking hat sitting nicely on top.

A few other transfer students went before it was my turn.

"Joy Deveroux!"

Many whispers traveled around the Great Hall at the announcement of my name.
'Deveroux?' 'She's here?'

I confidently sit on the lone stool in front of hundreds of students. Professor McGonagall gently laid the hat on the top of my head and it began to speak:

"Ahh, a Deveroux! It's been many years since I had to sort a Deveroux.. not that it was a hard decision. But you... you are the first daughter of many generations! Very different from your family, yet very similar as well. Unlike your ancestors before you, you show qualities of all houses, some more than others..Brave like a Gryffindor. Loyal like a Hufflepuff. Intelligent like a Ravenclaw. Ambitious like a Slytherin. I've never had such a difficult time sorting someone. What say you?"

I'm confused. The hat is asking for my opinion?

"My family are proud Slytherins. It would be an honor to continue to tradition." I answer back to the hat.

Pause for dramatic effect.

"However.. with your many years of experience, I trust you'll make the right decision after very thorough consideration. With whatever decision you choose... it better not be wrong."

Lots of 'ooooh's' filled the Great Hall at my response to the sorting hat.

"Ahh, very well. Though you show many qualities from all houses, best to have you....."


An ocean of green from the right side of the hall roars in cheers and applause as I make my way to my fellow housemates. I take a seat next to Tori, who sits across who I will now refer to as The Goons.

Headmaster Dumbledore is a very large lad, that needs to keep up with his hair care routine. Miss one day and seems like all of his hair would have bedhead. Beard and all.

I honestly wasn't paying attention until he mentioned 'feast' and our table began to provide mountains of food.
I choked down whatever I could cause dude, I was STARVING.

After dinner, we were escorted to our dorms and common rooms. Coincidentally, Slytherin house is located in the dungeons. I mean, really? I don't mind it, I like the cold and darkness.. but it just weird, right?

Tori brings me to the girls dormitory and brings me to a halt in front of an empty room.

"This... is our room."

She slowly opens the door a dorm room decorated in grey and black. The windows show both under Hogwarts Lake, and above with the mountains just beyond the lake's horizon.
My luggage has already arrived, as well as Rue, my snowy barn owl.


The first week of school went by fairly quickly. I sit with Tori for most of my classes, and the other I've found comfort in sitting next to Draco and his goons. I have a few classes without either of them, which I don't mind cause I really would want to talk to anyone else.

It's 8:03 PM Friday night and I've decided to catch up on some reading. I hear Rue purring in the background, and the stars glimmer in the night sky.

A few minutes go by before Tori barges into the room and runs straight to her closet.
My eyes follow her across the room, and I begin to dodge the clothes that she's recklessly flying over her shoulder.

"What are you doing?"

She stops abruptly and turns to face me.
"Don't tell me you forgot?"

I look at her confused. "The Slytherin welcome back party!"
She goes back to rummaging through her closet.

I resume reading my book before she taunts me, "There's gonna be alcohol there."

I'm not one to decline a party with free alcohol.

I jump off of my bed and head straight towards the bathroom.
After a quick shower, I blowout my hair before settling with a green plaid mini skirt, a black shirt and high top shoes to match. I quickly do my eyeliner before rejoining Tori in our bedroom, who is still trying to find an outfit.

She stops looking through her clothes to takes a glance at me in awe, "how do you look like that so quickly?"

"It helps that I'm hot." I chuckle and go back to my reading, while I wait for Tori.

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