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Lessons with Snape went well. I've managed to block out my emotions and memories on demand, and even learned to cast the Legilimency without the target's knowledge.
Within my extra time with Snape, he's become a confidant in my everyday life. Kind of like a second father, but less strict.

We're wrapping up my last lesson as a thought popped up in my head. "Professor?"

He turns to look at me.

"How do you know my father?"

His expression changes, "Your father and I have known each other for a very long time."
I look through the potions that are on his shelves, "That doesn't exactly answer my question."

"Your father and I went to Hogwarts together. We were quite close..." He puts away some ingredients that we used during class.
"So you know what he does for work then?" I give him a side eye as I ask, testing to see if he has any type of reaction to my question.
He goes along fine and simply says, "Indeed."

I'm surprised he's so aloof to the topic. Most people cover themselves in fear, but of course, what could Professor Snape be afraid of?

I'm leaving Snape's office when I hear the echos of footsteps behind me. I suddenly stop to see if they would do the same, and they did.
I take a deep sigh and turn around. I call out, "Alright Goons, let's go."

I see them emerge from the shadows. I continue to walk, while they trail behind me.

"What were you doing with Professor Snape?" Goyle asks.


Crabbe interjects, "What for?"

I decide to mess with them, "Snogging Potter in the astronomy tower."
They both go quiet.

I push the Slytherin entrance open, "Make sure you tell Draco that." I give them a wink before entering the common room, chuckling.

Tori's getting ready for bed when I get to our room, "Where have you been?"

"Detention," I grab my pajamas and head for the shower.

She looks at me concerned, "What did you do?"

I turn back to her before closing the bathroom door, "Snogging Potter."
I close the door and hear her on the other side dying off laughter as she yells out "Good one!"


Bright and early, I decide to go to the library to study for the upcoming exams.

I'm about to leave the room and low and behold, Draco is waiting in the hallway for me, and he looks pissed.

"Why'd you get detention?" His arms crossed.

"Didn't your goons tell you? Or were they too afraid to?" I smirk as I go down the staircase, Draco behind me.

"You're lying. You weren't with him. It's impossible."

We reach the bottom of the staircase and I pinch his cheeks, "Aw, is Draco Malfoy jealous?"

He swats my hand away, turning a faint shade of pink. "Of course not."
He fixes his tie, as I continue to walk away. He yells out, "Now where are you going?!"


I'm glad I got to the library early, lots of students are cramming for the exams.
Tori joins me at my table and we begin to silently study.
I nudge at her book to catch her attention, which works as she looks up at me.
We kept our conversation hushed.

"I never asked about you and Blaise yet. When did that happen?!"
She turns shy, "A little while ago. We just started hanging out more, and I don't know... it's all still new."

I grab her hand, "I'm so happy for you, Tori. Nice change of scenery for you, you normally go for girls."
She scoffs, "I know right?! There's not a lot of 'out' girls, especially in Slytherin. I wouldn't dare date out of the house though."

I chuckle, "Well I'm just glad you're happy."
She nods at me, "I am."

A few minutes go by before she asks, "So... Draco?"

I look at her, "What about him?"

She rolls her eyes, "Can you two just date or have sex and get it over with?!"

I slap her arm, which causes her to yelp loud, grabbing the attention of the surrounding students trying to study. I scold her, "What is wrong with you?!"

She scoffs, "Really, Joy? What's wrong with me?? What's wrong with you?! He clearly likes you."

I look at her with a lost expression, "You're delusional."

"Whatever you say," she goes back to reading and so do I.


The years come to an end and we're on our way home. Tori wanted to sit next to Blaise, so the sweet best friend I am, I ended up sitting with Draco.

"Don't move," He orders, "I'm gonna use you as a pillow."

Everyone's asleep in the carriage, which just leave me alone with my thoughts. I look down at my lap where Draco's head lays.

I begin to admire him.
I play with his bright blonde hair that falls perfectly on his face. He's not too bad to look at.

I take the opportunity to practice Legilimency on him.

I whisper, "Legilimens."
I'm shocked at the first memory I see with him.

He remembers. The night in his room.
Us drinking, laughing, kissing. Why didn't he mention it? Why didn't he bring it up?
I see flashes of... me. I'm reading. Studying. Eating. Laughing. Some of these I don't even remember myself.
I'm yelling. Hitting. Rolling my eyes.

Then... Pansy?!
Holding hands? Hugging? Laughing?

I blink.
I look down at Draco and he's sleeping with a slight smile on.

I push him off of me, which causes him to hit Blaise and Tori's leg. Now they're all awake.

"What in bloody hell happened?" Draco rubs his head while trying to get up.

I feign innocence, "Turbulence."

Blaise adds on, "On a train?"

I shrug my shoulders.
Tori looks at me cause she knows I'm lying. I slyly shake my head to tell her not to worry about it.


We get to the station and students begin to disembark the train.
I say goodbye to Tori and Blaise as they both leave to find their families. I'm left with Draco as I wait for Mother and Father.

Draco leans in to whisper into my ear, "Are you gonna miss me over the summer?"

Coldly, I reply "No."

He leans in again, "Aw, did you see something that upset you?"

I step back from him shocked and he starts chuckling.
I hit him on his shoulder, "What the hell?! You knew?!"

"Of course I knew. You're not as slick as you think you are, you know," He tucks his hands into his pockets.
I roll my eyes, and try to remain pissed.

He looks over my shoulder before continuing on, "I have to go."
He lightly kissed my cheek, "We'll make more memories."

I wait a little while more before I see Mother. "Hello Mum, where's Father?"

She smiles, "He's working, dear."

I admit, I'm slightly disappointed he's not here along with Mother to pick me up. So instead I say, "Oh... ok then. Let's go."

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