"Are you ready to go, Joy?" Snape yells from the living room.
I swished my wand and changed my appearance. I checked myself out in the mirror before yelling back, "In a minute!"Binky runs into my bedroom, with his favorite shirt on. "Miss Joy, don't forget this!" I crouch down to his level as he opens this hand and reveals my ring that I thought I lost.
I exclaim, "Binky! Where'd you find it?" I quickly grab it and place it on my right hand ring finger. "In the kitchen, Miss Joy. When you insisted on washing dishes." I kiss the top of his head, "Thank you, Binky. I will miss you while I'm away." I stand back up and before I leave the bedroom, I turn back to Binky and warn him, "No crazy parties while I'm gone, ok?" I flash him a wink as he giggles.
Snape was patiently waiting for me at the front door. "The train leaves at 11. We must hurry." He helps me to hurry along out the door before I yell out, "Bye Binky!"-
We're walking to the platform when Snape mentions, "Your alias has been changed to Rosie. Rosie Snape."
I stop in my tracks and stare at the back of his head as he continued to walk without me. He realizes I'm no longer at his side and turns back, "Rosie Snape?" He sighs, "Yes," and motions for me to hurry up. "So what, I'm playing your daughter?" He nods.
I chuckle, "Where's mummy?" He rolls his eyes and continues to walk, "She's dead." I raise my eyebrows, "Damn Sev, no need to get dark."
He scoffs, "It keeps people from asking too many questions." I nod in agreement. We stop in front of a brick wall. He points to it, "Run into it."
I chuckle, "Are you fucking mad? I'll end up at St. Mungo's." He huffs, "Just do it, Rosie." I roll my eyes before obeying orders.I run straight for the brick wall and suddenly I'm in front of a train? The station looks different. What the fuck just happened? Snape appears right behind me and fixes his cloak dress thing, I don't know what the hell he wears. He clears his throat and motions for me to go a certain way, so I followed.
A lot of students are looking at us both. I don't know if it's because they recognize me or because I'm here with Snape. Either way, I like the attention.
Snape stops me in front of an entry way to the train and dusts off some lint on my shoulders. In a hushed tone, he says, "Remember: Rosie Snape. Mum died. Slytherin. Watch Draco." I nod. "Oh, and you'll be meeting with the Headmaster at your arrival. He wants to meet my newly discovered long lost daughter."
I smirk, "Certainly... Father," and board the train.-
I look through the carriages to find an empty seat. Students pass me by in the hallway as they go and meet up with friends.
Maybe I should make some while I'm here. After all, I can't hang out with only Malfoy, right? He doesn't even know who 'Rosie' is yet.
I find an empty carriage and settle in. I take the seat nearest to the window so I can watch the greenery pass by once the train starts moving.
A few minutes after I've sat down, the train leaves the station. No one has decided to join me in my carriage, which I didn't mind. A little while after the train starts to move, a girl opens the carriage door. "Do you mind? Everywhere else is full." I shake my head and motion for her to sit. Two boys follow in pursuit and settle in with her.
"You're new, aren't you? I've never seen you around before." She says. I nod, "I am." She sticks her hand out, "Hermione Granger." I acknowledge her handshake. She looks to the ginger boy sitting next to her and nudges him on the side. He sits up and introduced himself, "Ron Weasley." I nod. "Harry Potter," says the raven haired boy who decided to sit next to me. I smile, "I'm Rosie."
The boys say in unison, "Nice to meet you."Ron looks at me strangely, "You're not shocked?" I return his glare, confused. "Uhm, what should I be concerned about?" I ask. He shoves some jelly beans into his mouth, "You're sitting next to Harry Potter." I scoff, "Ok? And?"
"He's bloody freaking famous and all you can say is ok?!" He sounds offended. I mean, it's not like he's famous, right? "He's fought off You-Know-Who many times!"I raise my eyebrows as the words that were just spoken excites me. This just got very interesting... I chose the right time to actually be nice. Maybe this acting thing will be easier than I thought.
"Oh, at least you didn't die, right?" I joke to Harry. He chuckles, "Barely."
Ron asks, "What year are you? Kinda wicked you're starting in the middle of the school year." I smile, "Year 6." Hermione squeals, "You're in our year! You'll be placed in a house. I'm sure it'll be Gryffindor, or you look like a Ravenclaw too." I giggle, "Actually, they preselected a house for me since I'm transferring in so late." They all look at me, "So what house are you?" I reply, "Slytherin."
Their eyes widen. I look at them confused, again. "What?" Hermione asks, "How are you in Slytherin? You don't seem the type." I shrug my shoulders, "That's what my father told me." Harry asks, "Who's your father?"
"Severus Snape."
Their mouths dropped. They all shout, "You're Snape's daughter?!" I nod, "...Is that a bad thing?"
Ron speaks for them all, "No, just... bloody mental, is all."

Always. (A Draco Malfoy Story)
FanfictionREAD DESCRIPTION FIRST TO AVOID CONFUSION. -currently under revision, my grammar sucks- Joy Deveroux, the last descendant of the wealthy, pure-blooded Deveroux's, transfers to Hogwarts. What happens when she realizes she has a more twisted fate than...