Snow Garden.

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I get back to Draco's bedroom and see a note on top of his bed.

Get dressed and meet me in the garden.


I quickly change my clothes into warmer attire and make my way down to meet Draco.


Their garden out back is absolutely stunning in the winter. The blankets of snow covers the ground, and the trees and bushes are kissed at the top with white fluff.
I follow the fresh footprints to find my way to Draco, who's standing out in a clearing. "I'm here!" Draco's faced away from me and looking out in the opposite direction. "Hello? Earth to Draco?" He's ignoring me.
I'm suddenly pelted with a snowball as he turns around. I look down at where the snowball hit me and looked back up at Draco who's flashing a devilish grin. "Oh, you're so on."

I make a dash for cover as Draco continues to throw snowballs at me. I grab a handful of snow myself and start to attack him.
We're throwing snow back and forth at each other for a long while. He dodges a few before one lands right in his face. "You're gonna regret that!" He starts to chase me around the garden, weaving in and out of the tables and seats that are stuck outside. I hide behind a pine tree that's large enough to hide my entire body, hopefully shielding my location from Draco.

I don't hear footsteps near me, so I peak around the trunk of the tree and see Draco looking everywhere for me. I take the opportunity to grab another handful of snow and pelt it at him.
I quickly hide behind the tree trunk again and wait a few seconds. I peak over... Draco's gone?

I walk out from behind the tree trunk and I'm suddenly lifted from the ground from behind. "Draco! Let me down!" I start to squirm and attempt to get out of his clutches. "I told you, you were gonna regret it," He taunts me.
He starts to tickle my sides and I get weak. "Draco!" I try to get away from him. "Draco, stop!" I couldn't stop laughing. He tickles me all over my torso and even in my neck. I try to run away from him, but his reach is long enough where he can still get to me.
I drop into the snow as Draco continues to tickle me. "Please!" I say between laughs, "I can't—I can't breathe!" Draco laughs at me, "Say you're sorry!" I'm still laughing, "I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" He finally stops and I can catch my breath. Once I'm able to breathe normally, I smack him on the back of the head, "Ow!" I point to him, "Never tickle me again!" He laughs at my vulnerability.

We sit in the snow for a bit and take in the winter wonderland around us. "Mother is planning another Christmas Ball this year," Draco mentions. "Sounds like fun! Does she need any help?" I ask him. He shakes his head, "Nah, I'm sure she has it all figured out already. She did mention she wants to go shopping for our clothing though." I nod, "Sounds like a plan. Just say when."

I look out at the snow and start to zone out for a bit. I can't remember the last time I played in snow, probably when I was just a kid. It's hard to have fun when you're an only child and you grew up without your parents around for most of the holidays. Once I started to get older, it got kind of... sad that I would be playing in the snow by myself, so I just stopped altogether.

Draco speaks up, "How are you feeling? With the thing with your mom and all?" He traces his fingers into the snow. I shrug, "I was mad at first, but now I'm just kind of 'whatever'. It is what it is." I sigh, "I'm not even gonna bother trying to find her. She left us, with no explanation. I had a vision that she was sick, and that Father was tending to her. She was just lying though... secrets never stay hidden for too long, I guess."
Draco stays quiet for a moment before softly saying, "I'll never leave you, you know." I look at him. He goes on, "I'll always be here for you, whenever you need me. Even if you hate me one day, I'll still be here."

I can't help but feel warm and fuzzy inside. Great Merlin, I love this man.

"You promise?" He nods. I stick my pinky out. He looks at my hand, "Really?" I whine, "It's not real if you don't do it!" He sighs and wraps his pinky with mine. "Promise."

I kiss his cheek, link his arm with mine, and rest my head on his shoulder as we continue to admire the view. 

Life is so great right now.

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