Trouble in Paradise.

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The next day, Vasquez took back his invitation to Hogsmeade. I wasn't surprised... I mean, imagine the talk if people saw a Gryffindor on a date with a Slytherin. Hogwarts would combust into flames.

A few Hufflepuffs and Slytherin boys also asked me to Hogsmeade or hang out with them down by Hogwarts Lake within the next few days. Actually... they retracted their invitations too after a while. They all kind of... avoided me after that.


I'm in the library when Tori comes running in, looking around frantically. I think I heard her yell at the librarian who just shushed her and motion my way.
She comes running up to me. She's huffing hard, and I laugh at her.
"What's got your knickers in a twist?"

"Pansy and Draco." She manages to spit out. I look at her confused, "I'm sorry?"
She's starting to breathe normally again, "Filtch caught... Pansy and Draco... in the astronomy tower... snogging."

I'm screaming. "WHAT?!"

"Chelsie and Harper... heard from Josh... who heard Filtch...I need to sit down." She plops down into the chair next to me, slowly starting to get back to normal.

Pansy and Draco? Seriously?


I see Draco and his Goons in the courtyard, tossing around some Gryffindor first year between them.
Figured I hear it from him myself,

I grunt as the Gryffindor stumbles on me, "Ugh! Watch it!" He looks up at me and steps back, his eyes filled with fear. I sigh as I realize my role of the Slytherin Princess did not fade over time. "You may go now." The boy nods before running away from us as fast as possible.

I turn to the Goons as I dismiss them, "Leave us."

They both shot a glare towards Draco before I bark, "Did you not hear me?! I said leave!"
They too, quickly walked away from Draco and I, but only to the corridor where they can still watch us from afar.

"What do I owe the pleasure of seeing you, love?" Draco smirks. My face grows cold, "Is it true?"
"Is what true?" He raises his eyebrows in question. "You and Pugface, of course."
He takes a seat on the bench near us, "Perhaps... what did you hear?"
I cross my arms, "Guess it doesn't matter. I already got my answer." He chuckles, "Troubled, love?" I scoff, "Hardly. I'd ship you two together if it gets you off my back." I begin to walk away from him.
He shouts after me, "Guess you won't mind me asking her to Hogsmeade then?" I yell back, "Be my guest!"


I bump into Adrian on my way back to the dungeon. He catches me as I almost fumble on the floor.
"Watch it!" I realize it's Adrian.
"Oh, sorry Adrian."
"Quite alright, I was looking for you anyhow." He helps me back up. I dust off my sweater. "What for?"
He smiles, "I was wondering if you'd want to accompany me to Hogsmeade this weekend." I smile slowly grows on my face before I bite my lower lip, "I'd love to."
He offers me his arm, "Can I walk you back to the dungeons?" I giggle, "you may."

We walked to the dungeons together, which what started off with arm in arm, was now hand in hand.

Little did I know that a certain blonde heard our whole conversation.

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