(A/N: Nov. 3, 2020 Hi ❤️ I've been lax on posting chapters because I've started drafting the final chapter ahead of time and 😦 I'm so excited for you guys!)
"What a shame..." Voldemort floats across the room to the nimble body of Ben Deveroux, "... I've lost a follower."
I chuckle before replying, "Won't be long before your army grows ten times as much."
Voldemort turns to me an weakly smiles, "You're right, Joy... and with you under my wing, we'll be unstoppable."
He turns back to the table and sees all the Death Eaters shocked as they just witness a mere girl commit murder just a few seconds ago.Voldemort opens his arms to welcome any other opinions of me, "Does this settle your nerves?" No one dared to reply.
"Nagini... come. You must stay close to me." Voldemort begins to walk away while the serpent follows him closely, but not before grazing against my leg, earning a quick scratch on the head.
"Do not disturb me. If you need of any assistance, summon Joy." Voldemort looks over to me as I nod in agreement. He quickly disapparates out of the meeting room, leaving me in charge for the time being.
All eyes turned to me. I felt this overpowering wave of confidence fill me as I've proven myself 'loyal' in the eyes of those who doubted me.
"Summon me with good intentions. I will not tolerate my time being wasted. Dismissed." I wave for them all to leave, and in one large gust of wind, they all left the room... except Sevy and Draco."Muffliato." Snape charms to the room so that Lucius and Narcissa can't hear our conversation from the other parts of the Manor.
Draco runs up to me and cups my face, "Are you alright?" He feels up and down my arms as he notices in now slightly shaking.
"Do you feel better now?" Snape asks as he walks towards us.
"I'm-I'm fine." I take a deep breath in and out, "That felt good."
Snape looks over to father's dead body and sighs, "I'll get rid of him. Any preference on how to do so?"
I scoff, "Burn him for all I care. Good riddance."
Draco wraps his arm around my shoulder and pulls me close to him as he gently kisses my forehead.Snape nods and and looks back to me, "I will see you on campus then."
"Actually..." I step forward to him as he looks at me quizzically, "...I was thinking of staying at the estate tonight. Say hi to mum."
He sighs, "Alright... but I expect you back by morning. There's still classes to attend." He disapparates, taking the dead body with him.
Draco lifts my chin with his finger, "Would you like me to come with you?"
I shake my head, "It'll be quick. I only said I'd stay at the estate so that he won't bother me for the rest of the night."
Draco kisses my cheek for saying, "I'm here if you need me." He walked out of the room, leaving me to disapparate home.
The snow is beginning to slowly melt away on the ground, but there's still a sliver of white resting on the blades of grass.
I walked towards the lonely daisy and crouch down to the floor."Hi mum... it's been a while." I traced my fingers against the snow, "How are you? How's the afterlife? I'm guessing you'll see Father there soon... unless he went in the other direction." I chuckle at my lame joke, which isn't actually too far off.
At this point, I may be headed in the same direction when the time comes.
"Draco and I made up," I pulled the ring necklace from under my shirt to show her the ring again, "I obviously can't wear it... but I just needed it on me in some way. Maybe to remind myself that I have someone else to fight for now. Besides Sevy, I'd also fight for him too."
I stare at my ring for a bit before talking again, "You know... we weren't super close.. you and I, but our relationship was better than either of our relationships with Father. I guess I kinda of took it for granted."
I sighed before continuing, "Look at me... talking to dirt more often than I've talked to you while you were alive."I stood up and continued to look down at the grave, "Thank you for teaching me that life is short, mum. I miss you everyday."
I whipped out my wand and apparated to the one place I knew I wanted to be... with Draco.
Draco was fast asleep in bed when he felt a cold gust of wind blow through his room. He turns over and my eyes meet his, as I was just standing in the middle of his room, "Hi."
Draco quickly got up from bed and turned on the lights. He grabbed his wand and enchanted "Colloportus," on his bedroom door to keep out any chances of Lucius and Narcissa barging in.
Half asleep, he asks, "What are you doing here?"I approach him on his bed, "I...just missed you. Can I sleep here tonight?"
He nods and moves over, creating space for me to slide into.

Always. (A Draco Malfoy Story)
FanfictionREAD DESCRIPTION FIRST TO AVOID CONFUSION. -currently under revision, my grammar sucks- Joy Deveroux, the last descendant of the wealthy, pure-blooded Deveroux's, transfers to Hogwarts. What happens when she realizes she has a more twisted fate than...