(A/N: There's French language in this chapter. I do apologize if it is not accurate. I went to Google Translate.)
We get to Defense Against the Dark Arts lesson, now taught by Mad-eye Moody. I sit alongside with Draco, with Tori and Blaise in front of us.
He writes on the chalkboard, "Who can tell me how many unforgivable curses there are?" Granger answers, "Three sir." Moody turns around, now facing us. "Use of any one of them earns you a one-way ticket to Azkaban."
He slowly walks across the front of the room. "So which curse shall we see first?" He reaches into a jar as a spider crawls onto his hand.
"How about the Imperius curse, hm?"
He flicks his wand, "Imperio!"
The spider now floats midair, following his wand. He allows it to fly across the room. The spider jumps from student to student, reeking havoc everywhere. The spider jumps onto Draco's face, as I try to stifle my laugh. He turns to me, "Get it off, get it off!" I slap the spider off of his face as Moody directs it onto a dish. "Talented isn't she?"
I turn to Draco, "Are you ok?" He runs his hands through his hair, "Of course I am." I put my hands up in surrender, not wanting to push it further.Moody goes on, "What's the second?" Longbottom gets called up to the front, "The Cruciatus curse."
My body goes cold. The Cruciatus curse. The one Father used this summer. "Crucio!"
I flinch at the word, as if I'm bracing myself for it's impact. The spider begins to squeal, crying out in pain. Each yelp the spider makes, my body begins to tweak and cringe.
Draco notices as my body begins to lean away and my eyes shut close. He grabs my hand under the desk and holds it steady. I open one eye to see him smiling at me and he whispers, "I got you." I give him a soft smile, as my attention gets drawn to the front of the room again with Hermione yelling at Moody. Longbottom looks uncomfortable, he's experiencing it up close. Better than experiencing it yourself."Perhaps you can give us the last curse." Moody places the spider in front of Hermione, who just shakes her head no. "Well then.. Avada kadavra!" The spider flips over on the desk. Moody picks up the spider and places it back in its original jar. He continues on, "There's only one person to have survived this curse... and he's sitting in this room." He looks right at Harry Potter.
"He's completely mental." Blaise whispers to Tori. Draco rests his arm around my shoulder, "Wait until my father hears about this."
Tonight was the night of the Champion Selection. Dumbledore extinguished the fires that lit the Great Hall as we all took our seats.
The Goblets lit up in red flames as a piece of parchment flies out of the fire. Dumbledore catch the parchment in the air and shouts, "The Durmstrang champion: Viktor Krum!" Roars of cheers of the Durmstrang boys fill the Hall in celebration of Viktor. Draco, Blaise, and the Goons all stand up in applause.
The Goblet then lights up a pink flame, as a decorated note flies out of the flames. "The champion from Beauxbatons: Fleur Delacour!" The girls in blue all scream in support of Fleur.
The third parchment flies into Dumbledore's hand. "The Hogwarts champion: Cedric Diggory!" All of Hogwarts cheer as Cedric makes his way to join the champions at the front of the hall.
"There you have it! Our three champions! But in the end, only one will go down in history!" Applause from all schools fill the hall in celebration.The Goblet's fire burns brighter than before, catching all of our attention. A small burnt piece of paper flies out of the flames.
Dumbledore studies the paper intensely, before whispering "Harry Potter?" Murmurs exchange between students. "Harry Potter?!"-
"Can you believe it?" Draco's in disbelief as we all return to the common room. "Potter? A champion? Father will have a laugh." Tori asks, "He couldn't have done it, right? He's only 16!" We all take a seat on the couches. "It doesn't matter, it's a binding contract. He has to compete," I comment, "16 or not."
On my way to the library, I run into Madame Maxine."Watch where—" I look up, "Oh! Madame Maxine! Mes excuses, j'aurais dû regarder où j'allais. (My apologies, I should've watched where I was going.)
"Ah, mademoiselle Deveroux. J'espérais te voir. Comment l'aimes-tu ici?" (Ah, Miss Deveroux. I was hoping to see you. How are you liking it here?)
"C'est différent, définitivement." (It's different definitely.)
"Eh bien, je vais vous laisser partir. C'était charmant de te voir." (Well, I will let you be on your way. It was lovely to see you.)-
I'm almost to the library, when I see Draco up a tree in the courtyard, with the Goons on the grass handing out something to students.
I walk to the tree where Draco spots me, "Joy! Come here a second!"
I get to the tree and see the blonde monkey hanging around. "Yes, Draco?"
"Take one of these," He motions for Crabbe to pass me a button. I examine it as it reads 'Cedric Diggory' with his face plastered on it. "I didn't peg you for a Diggory fan, Draco." He laughs, "Take another look at it, love." Before my eyes, it changes into "Potter stinks!" With a vomit green color. "Ah, there it is. What's it for?"
He smiles, "To show our support, of course." I hand the button back to Crabbe, "I'm not wearing it."Theodore Nott butts in, "Come on Joy, just wear it." Instinctively I grab my wand and point it to Nott, "Why don't you make me, Nott?" I take a step closer to him, "I don't recall saying you can call me by my first name, did I?" Nott trembles as the end of my wand is buried in the dip of his neck.
Draco jumps off of the tree and lowers my wand for me, "Feisty today, aren't we?" I tuck my wand back into my pocket, keeping my eyes on Nott.
Draco places his fingers on my chin and pulls my head to face him, "Where are you off to?" I sigh, "The library." He scoffs, "Again?"
He tucks a strand of my hair behind my ear, "How are you feeling? Father said he and your father will talk to Dumbledore about Moody." I half-heartedly smile, "I'm ok." Draco goes on, "I'll see you in the common room, later?" I nod.He kisses my forehead before he suddenly looks up at sees the Goons watching us. "What are you all looking at?" He barks. I see the Goons, Nott, and Montague all looking to the sky, inconspicuously. I giggle at myself and go on my merry way.

Always. (A Draco Malfoy Story)
FanfictionREAD DESCRIPTION FIRST TO AVOID CONFUSION. -currently under revision, my grammar sucks- Joy Deveroux, the last descendant of the wealthy, pure-blooded Deveroux's, transfers to Hogwarts. What happens when she realizes she has a more twisted fate than...