This summer sucked.
Firstly, all I did this summer, was train. For what might you ask? I have a hunch. But Father, felt that I needed extra lessons even when I'm not in school.
You know what's worse than school during the summer?
Detention during the summer.'How do you get detention?' One might ask themselves.
Well let me tell you: if you still talk back to the 'teacher', you get detention. If you don't exceed their expectations, you get detention. If you wake up late, you get detention.
When your Father found out you were actually friends with the Golden Trio, you get detention.
If you didn't think mudbloods and blood traitors were filth, you get detention.Lovely old father loves traditional punishment as well.
Do you know how delightful it is to be on the receiving end of an unforgivable curse?
It's fucking peachy.I've kept in touch with Draco and Tori over the break. I've managed to gather the energy, between my lessons and restless nights, to send Rue out.
There was one letter than I never received a response from, but I didn't want to put high hopes into that.I was very certain that this summer changed me, and that things were going to be different.
Mother is enjoying a cup of tea on our living area, "Joy, you know how work is."
I stomp my foot, "But he said he'd take me."
She brings the tea cup to her lips, "He's arranged for you to go with the Malfoy's instead."I cross my arms, "But I don't—"
"End of discussion, Joy. You know how it works."
I march up to my room and slam the door behind me.
Father has promised a lot of things this summer, but they have all been cancelled due to him being called to work. He's supposed to take me to the 422nd Quidditch World Cup tournament today, but guess where he is?
Lucius and Draco were waiting for me at the bottom of the tower, where our seats were.
"Draco..." Lucius fixes his sleeves, "be mindful of Joy today."
Draco looks at his father, "Because?"
Lucius goes on, "Because I said so. Her father informed me that she had an interesting summer."
Draco wasn't entirely sure why Joy went through training over the summer. He had an idea why... but he didn't want it to be true, so he dismissed the thought.
He was just worried about Joy. He hasn't seen her all summer.
Her tone of voice in her letters seemed meek and dull, like the joy was sucked out of Joy.It wasn't hard to try and find the Malfoy's.
It's difficult to ignore the platinum blondes in a sea of everyone else."Joy," Lucius greets me.
"Hello Lucius. Draco," I look at both of them, "Thank you for allowing me to accompany you."
Lucius nods, "Your father told me you had a tiring summer. The game will surely help you relax."
Lucius guides us through the crowd, as Draco stays by my side. "How are you, love?"
I keep looking forward, "Peachy."Everyone seemed to know about the Malfoy's. Witches and wizards parted like the Red Sea when they saw the blondes walking through.
An older gentleman bumped into me and before he turned back to what I would assume would be to apologize, Draco pulls me closer to him and shouts, "Watch where you're going, you filthy squib!"We walk a little further into the tower before I hear a familiar voice above us as we try to get to our seats. "Blimey dad, how far up are we?"
"Let's put it this way, if it rains... you'll be the first to know," Lucius comes to a halt and leans against the railing look up at the Weasley's, Harry and Hermione.
Hermione's gaze meets mine, "Joy?"
This causes the rest of them to all look at me.
Ron speaks up, "When did you start hanging out with Malfoy?"I wanted to speak.
I wanted to tell them hello, but all I did was just stare up at them, not saying a word.We walk along the railings as they continued to stare at me.
Draco interjects, "We're in the minister's box! A personal invitation, from Cornelius Fudge himself!"
Lucius hits us with his walking stick, I wince at the impact as it hits one of my healing scars, "Don't boast, Draco. There's no need with these people."-
The Irish won the cup.
As we were leaving, we were surrounded by the Irish celebrating their victory. The clinking of glass pitches was all you hear, with the yells of old Irish men singing victory songs.Suddenly, my heart starts racing and my mind is foggy. I stumble in my steps, causing me to bump into the people passing by.
Draco catches me before I fall, "Are you alright?"
I look around me and everything becomes a blur before it gets dark.
I shake my head, "No, no. We need to go. Now. Where's your Father?"He looks around, "I just saw him not too long ago."
I try to stand, "Draco, we need to leave, now!"My head snaps in the direction of distant screams in the background, and flames shines bright beyond us.
Draco helps me up and we both run through the crowd. A bright green light shoots up into the sky which catches both of our attention. After the sparks fly, the Dark Mark forms in the clouds. Draco and I look at each other momentarily before continuing on.
"Now I know why my father had to work."

Always. (A Draco Malfoy Story)
FanfictionREAD DESCRIPTION FIRST TO AVOID CONFUSION. -currently under revision, my grammar sucks- Joy Deveroux, the last descendant of the wealthy, pure-blooded Deveroux's, transfers to Hogwarts. What happens when she realizes she has a more twisted fate than...