"Where is she?" Snape mutters to himself.
He looks to the clock in his office and see that it's almost dinner time.
I still haven't returned back to his office.He's contemplating if he should take a chance and ask Draco if he's aware of what Joy was summoned at the Manor for, but he decided not to.
Instead, he decides to attempt at conjuring the entryway to the Room of Requirement once more before dinner.-
"Wouldn't Lucius be suspicious of me staying for dinner? Or being at the Manor beyond necessary?" I ask Narcissa.
She pulls a book from the shelves, "He's never home. He's been working tirelessly at the side of the Dark Lord. We see him just as much as you have."
I display a weak smile, completely baffled at how much Lucius has changed since his return from Azkaban.
"Draco doesn't have to be apart of the wedding planning, does he?" She looks to me.
"Actually... Draco has also put some thought into the wedding." I look up from the multiple wedding books Narcissa conveniently had in their living room that she's making me look through.
Her eyes widened, "Draco thought about the wedding?"
I giggle, "He said that staying at home makes him think about many things... the wedding being one of them."
She walks toward the couch opposite of me, "And what exactly are his thoughts?"
I flip through the pages of the book that's laying in my lap, "He wants a simple wedding. A small ceremony in the back garden behind the Manor."
Narcissa looked confused, "I've raised that boy with everything he's ever wanted, and he wants a simple wedding?! Completely ridiculous!"
I giggle, "I wouldn't mind a simple wedding. There's not many people that understand our relationship. If it'll make Draco happy, then I don't mind it."
She sighs and closes the book in her hands and out it on the ottoman in from of her, "You must have an extravagant gown then. I shall have Dibby pick up a few dresses and you can try them on here when they arrive."
I nod in agreement to satisfy her.-
After another failed attempt of conjuring up the entryway to the Room of Requirement, Snape makes his way to the Great Hall for dinner.
On his way there, he runs into Blaise and the Goons, "Mr. Zabini, Mr. Crabbe, Mr. Goyle."
The three stop in their tracks and greet their Headmaster, "Headmaster Snape."
"Have you seen Rosie today?" He asks them.
The Goons shake their heads as Blaise explains, "We haven't seen her since DADA class this afternoon. She may be in her dorm... she asked to be excused early."
He dismissed the boys and head to the dungeons to see if I have actually slipped in while he was out of the office.
He knocks on the dorm room door and waits for a response. He was only greeted with silence.
He tries again.
Still nothing.He slowly turns the doorknob, pushes the door open and sees that the bedroom is unoccupied, but a small owl waiting in on the window sill of the dorm room.
He takes the letter from the owl and see that it's addressed to Rosie with familiar handwriting.
He takes the liberty of opening the envelope.His eyes widen at the realization of who the letter came from. He sighs and securely places the letter in the inner pocket of his robes before going to the Great Hall for dinner.
"Thank you for letting me stay for dinner, Narcissa." I take a seat at the dinner table, while she takes one at the head.
"Of course, I hope you're hungry." She smiles and places a napkin on her lap.
I really was. My stomach has been growling since the aroma of food has filled the Manor from the kitchen.
If I recall correctly, food at the Manor is immaculate and I couldn't wait to chow down.Narcissa and I spoke a bit more about other things, mainly about her recent travels.
"You and Draco must visit Santorini, it's beautiful there." She suggests, while preparing her plate.I take a sip of my water, "When do you suggest we go?"
"Either in the Spring or Summer... the views are breathtaking." She implies, "I'll be sure to hint it to Draco."
I begin to laugh as I hear footsteps closely approaching.
"Draco, put a shirt on. We have a guest." Narcissa looks over my shoulder to where I'm assuming Draco now stood.
I turn around and saw that Draco was shirtless, with light grey sweatpants on... obviously proud of his tones muscles on his torso.
He was still trying to fully wake up from his nap, as he was completely unaware that I was also sitting at the dinner table. He pushes his hair back away from his face and yawns.
'Why the fuck is he so fucking hot?'
I quickly realize I was staring and returned to my neutral facial expression.
"Draco?" Narcissa repeats herself.
Draco, now more awake and aware, looked to his mother then to me. His eyes widened at the sight of me at the dinner table.
"We have a guest, Draco. Please dress appropriately." Narcissa dismissed him so that he can do so quickly.
Snickering, I ask Narcissa, "Are you planning on telling him tonight?"
She smirks before saying, "Perhaps, but let's have dinner first."
A few minutes go by and Draco returns to the dinner table, now dressed nicely to Narcissa's standards.
Draco takes a seat opposite of me and keeps his eyes on his mother, avoiding my glare completely.
"Joy... I didn't expect you here." Draco looks down to the table before slowly looking to my direction.
"Narcissa insisted I stay for dinner. We had a small meeting regarding the Dark Lord." I look to Narcissa who nods in agreement.
Draco was obviously nervous, but Narcissa kept a cool composure as I followed suit.
Dinner went by well, and the food was amazing as I expected. I even ate a bit more than I normally would, realizing how hungry I really was.
The silence around the dinner table was broken when Narcissa asks Draco, "Draco, when were you planning on telling me about your feelings for Joy?"
Draco chokes on his food and immediately looks up to me then to his mother, "Pardon me?"
I snicker while looking down at the table and Narcissa does the same.
Draco darts his eyes at the both of us before yelling, "What is going on?!"Narcissa scolds him, "Do not yell at the dinner table, Draco."
Draco composes himself before looking to me. I continue to giggle, "She went to Gringott's, you git."
Draco, still confused, just stared at me.
I roll my eyes, "She remembers me, Draco.""But Father—" He argues.
"He does not know, and I do not intend on telling him."

Always. (A Draco Malfoy Story)
FanfictionREAD DESCRIPTION FIRST TO AVOID CONFUSION. -currently under revision, my grammar sucks- Joy Deveroux, the last descendant of the wealthy, pure-blooded Deveroux's, transfers to Hogwarts. What happens when she realizes she has a more twisted fate than...