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I rushed to the infirmary. I don't care who I fucking run into, I just need to get there now.
'Nope, no fucking way. I command myself not to be pregnant.'

I get to the infirmary in frantic search of Madame Pomfrey. I see her tending to some student in bed. I try to calm myself down before approaching her.
In the sweetest voice I could, I say, "Madame Pomfrey?" She turns around, "Well hello, Miss Deveroux. What can I help you with today?"
I smile at her, "I was wondering if there's anyway you could test me if..." She looks at me confused, "If what dear?" I sigh, "If I might be pregnant." She sweetly smiles and says, "Of course. Have a seat." She motions me over to an empty chair, while she grabs her wand.

"Now I'm going to ask you a few questions first, ok?" I nod. "Have you have you had your cycle yet?" I shake my head. "Are you eating more?" I nod. "Are you under any unusual stress lately?" 'Girl, you have no idea.' I nod. "Any nausea? Vomiting?"  I nod again. She sighs and picks up her wand from beside her. "This shouldn't hurt, but it should be able to tell if you're pregnant, ok?" I sigh and nod, "Ok."

She flicks her wand above my stomach while enchanting a spell. Her wand lights up for a bit but quickly diminishes a few seconds later. I watched Madame Pomfrey's facial expressions, but I can't decipher what her expressions say. She smiles, "You're not pregnant, dear."


I jump up in excitement and hug her, "Thank you. Thank you. Thank you!" She chuckles and pulls me off of her, "It must've been the stress you were under. To prevent another scare, there are contraceptive spells available." She hands me a pamphlet about it.

I nod and smile, "Thank you, Madame Pomfrey." I begin to walk towards the door, even happier than before. Madame Pomfrey calls out for me, "Miss Deveroux?" I turn back. She goes on, "Although you and Mr. Malfoy will get married, you still need to be careful." I sigh and nod, "Yes, Madame Pomfrey. Thank you."

I could not leave the infirmary sooner.


Throughout the day, I could hear lots of students whispering about some girl that got hexed, a Gryffindor, stuck in the infirmary. Must've been the girl I seen with Madame Pomfrey.

I got to the Great Hall when I saw my friends all gathered around. I was about to walk to them, when I heard an owl coo. I turned around and saw Hedwig with a letter between her beaks.
I grab the letter and read it:


I think Draco hexed Katie Bell at the Three Broomsticks. He appeared out of no where, went straight to the restroom the same time Katie did, then disappeared again. It can't be a coincidence.

Be safe.


I sigh and pet Hedwig a few times before she flew away. I made sure to destroy the letter before throwing it away in the nearest bin. Draco wouldn't do that, right?

I returned back to the Great Hall and joined the group at the table. "What's up guys?" Draco wraps his arm around me, "Where were you?" He has a smirk on his face. I roll my eyes, "I went to the infirmary." Draco asks, "What for?" Shit, I gotta think of an excuse. "Uhm, Snape had me bring something to her." He nods and turns his attention to the Goons.

Blaise asks, "Did you see Katie Bell there?" I felt Draco tense up at the question, and he took his arm away. I looked at Draco before answering Blaise, "Yeah, I did. Didn't get a good look at her though." Blaise went on, "Heard she was trying to give a cursed necklace to Dumbledore. Wonder who put her up to it." Draco started to get more uncomfortable, and I noticed.
I furrowed my eyebrows while looking at him, and he kinda avoided my glare. I add on, "Yeah, I wonder."


I avoided Draco that night. There's no way he would've tried to hex Dumbledore without consulting me, right? It's our task to do. He wouldn't be stupid enough to try and do it himself, right?

I was reading in bed, when I heard a knock on the door. Who the hell could it be? I yell out, "Come in." Draco peaks his head into the doorframe, "Hi love."

I close my book and motion for him to come in. He shuts the door behind him and sits on the edge of my bed, "Why are you avoiding me?"
"I'm not," I put my book away into my drawer. "Yes, you are." Draco looks at the ground, "I know you."

I sigh and softly spoke, "Was it you?" Draco replies, "What are you talking about?" I locked the room door and enchanted the silencing spell with my wand.
"Did you hex her?"

Draco looks away from me, guilty.
I scoff, "Draco, what were you thinking?! We're so close to finishing the cabinet! You hexing her could've blown the whole thing!" He stands up yelling, "He said he has to be killed, but he didn't say how! I figured we could make someone else do it instead of us! Instead of you! Instead of me!" "So you send an innocent person to do our dirty work?!" We're yelling back and forth to each other.

"Joy, YOU are the one that's fixing the cabinet right now. Every time I do it, I fail! But when you try, the cabinet gets better and better each time!" He's pacing, "I can't have you fix the cabinet AND kill Dumbledore! I need to do something! I was chosen too! If Dumbledore dies, it's going to be at the hands of me, NOT YOU!"

"You should've talked to me about it, Draco! Do you have any idea how reckless that is?! Harry saw you at the Three Broomsticks!" I shut up for a second and realized, "...DID YOU DISTRACT ME WITH AN ORGASM SO I WOULDN'T FIGURE IT OUT?!"

He fell silent. "...It would've worked if it weren't for Potter! Why are you talking to him anyway?!" I point my finger accusingly, "Do not change the subject, Draco!" "No, why are you talking to him?! I wanna know! Do you like him?!"

I'm fucking mind boggled, "What the fuck is going on right now?!" "We have bigger things to deal with than my friendship with Harry!" "So you have a friendship, then?!" "Yes! He's my friend, ok?! But when he started to ACCUSE YOU of things, I came to YOUR defense!" "YOU SHOULDN'T BE TALKING TO HIM IN THE FIRST PLACE!" He starts to point fingers. I defend myself, "I CAN TALK TO WHOEVER I WANT TO!" He scoffs,  "SO YOU WOULDN'T MIND ME TALKING TO PANSY?! I HAVEN'T SEEN HER FOR A WHILE, MAYBE I'LL HEAD TO HER ROOM RIGHT NOW!" He storms out my room and leaves the door wide open for me to yell out, "MAKE SURE YOU WEAR PROTECTION! MERLIN, KNOWS YOU NEED A FUCKING REMINDER!"

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