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(A/N: Hi everyone ❤️ I won't post as much this weekend, due to a much needed mental health break. Once I'm refreshed, I will go back to posting multiple chapters per day. Thank you for understanding! 😘)


Draco and I went up the staircase to dormitories. As soon as we got to the top, he pushed me against the wall. I gasped at his sudden movements and he began to devour my lips. His rough kisses made me slightly moan as his mouth moved from mine down to my neck.
He took a break from kissing me and looked me in the eyes as he asked, "Have I ever told you how sexy you are when you're mad?" I smirked, "Maybe you should piss me off more often." I took a second to think about what I said, and laughed. Draco laughed too. "Never mind, don't piss me off anymore than you already do."
Draco went back to kissing my neck, each touch rougher and more intimate than the last.
I grabbed a handful of his silky, blonde hair and brought his lips back to mine. Our kiss was getting sloppier by the second. Draco whispered closely to my ear, "Jump."

Immediately, I jumped up as Draco caught me and wrapped my legs around his waist. His hands supporting my body by my rear. I cupled his face in my face and continued to ravish him. He began to walk towards his dorm as he slammed my back against the door. He didn't break the kiss as I heard the doorknob rattle and the door swung open.
He kicked the door behind him shut and brought me to his bed.

With him still carrying me, and our kiss getting more sensual, he sat in his bed and gently placed me on his lap so that I was straddling him.
His tongue forced his way into my mouth as I giggled at his hunger. His hand found its way to my hair and gently tugged on it, causing me to moan into his mouth. The vibration of my moan made him push his lips harder on mine.

Catching both of our breaths, he ran the back of his fingers against the side of my face, our eyes glued to each other, "Who does Pucey think he is? Thinking he can steal my girl?"

I couldn't contain my smile when he called me 'his girl'. I pulled him in against for a long, intimate kiss. Draco smiled the second our lips broke apart, "There's no one that could take you away from me."


I haven't seen Adrian for the rest of the day. Good grief, I'm too exhausted from snogging Draco. We didn't even fuck yet, and he already tires me out by snogging.

We were sitting in the shade against the oak tree by the lake. Draco was just talking about what we should do this summer, since both of our parents will be working all the time.

The Goons found us later and stayed to the side, while causing trouble with some Ravenclaw. Draco paid no mind to it. Whenever he was with me, he put his dictatorship on hold to focus on me.

Snape calls for us from the shade of the nearest corridor. "Miss Deveroux, Mr. Malfoy." I quickly sat up from leaning against Draco and created some space between us. Although we're a thing, I'm still not comfortable being all lovey dovey in front of Snape.

"Yes, Professor?" He furrowed his eyebrows when I moved away from Draco, "There's something that you should see. Follow me."

Snape brought us back to his office and swiftly closed the door behind us.

He grabbed a copy of the Daily Prophet off of his desk and handed it over to me. I look at him confused while I took the paper from his clutches.
Draco clears his throat which caught my attention. His eyes were focus on the Daily Prophet as he was reading the front article over my shoulder. I followed his stare to the front article where my voice was stolen from under me. We read the article title in silence:


I looked up to Snape, who's face was cold, but his eyes showed he was worried for me.

Draco and I asked at the same time, "Is she..." Snape nods. I looked at Draco, wondering who he could be talking about. "Bellatrix Lestrange, my aunt." I thought to myself, 'Crazy ass Bellatrix is Draco's aunt?'

My focus turn to Snape, "Do you know where Mother is?" He shakes his head, "No, your Father has not said anything yet." I nod, knowing that Mother probably went into hiding, hopefully at Father's side.

Snape walks around to stand at the other side of his desk. "Do the two of you know what this... means?"

Suddenly, everything went black. I felt my eyes roll to the back of my head, my breath shortening. I could no longer hold myself up and I leaned back into Draco's arms. I began to see visions of a black and grey mist, surrounding the exterior of Malfoy Manor. I'm zoomed into a window of their study where I saw face of Voldemort.

I snap back and see Draco and Snape hunched over me. Snape fanning the Daily Prophet in front of my face, and Draco holding me steady. I began to feel a sharp pain on my left forearm and grip it while crying out, "Fucking hell!" Once I removed the grip of my hand, I saw black ink slither under my skin then disappear.

We all looked at each other before I began to say,

"Voldemort is back."

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