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Draco quickly walks up to me, "Are you ok? Did he touch you?" His hand cups my face, "Are you hurt?"
I pull his hand away, "I'm fine. I can take care of myself." He takes a step back from me, realizing how uncomfortably close our bodies were.
Suddenly, he grew slightly annoyed,"Where was Pucey? Why wasn't he with you?" I told him, "Meeting with Dumbledore."
He nods, "Oh."

I awkwardly stood in the empty classroom, remembering what happened the last time we were both in here.

Draco spoke up, "You lied."
I turn my head to him, "What?"
"In Potions, what you smelled in the Amortentia." He looks up at me, hoping to get some type of reaction,
"What did you really smell?"

I scoff, "Wouldn't you like to know."
"Yeah, I really do." He starts to walk towards me again, and I take a few steps back, trying to maintain the distance between us. "I smelled Adrian."
Draco nods his head and says sarcastically, "Yeah sure."
"I did!" I bump into a chair, "Fresh laundry, new parchment and... oak tree?"
He chuckles, "You mean... pine tree?"
I whisper to myself, "...Is that what I said?" I start to viciously nod my head, "Yes! Yes, pine tree."
"Mhm." Draco stops walking towards me and leaned against the nearest desk.

I start to grow uncomfortable with the energy in this room.

He spoke softly, "You never came back to the infirmary." I shrugged my shoulders, "I thought I should let you rest." His eyes looked at me but his head stayed facing the ground, "So you didn't... see anyone around then?"
Just Pansy... but I ended up saying, "Nope."

I sigh, "Is that all you dragged me in for? Can I go now?" I start to walk towards the door.
Draco stands up straight, "Wait—"
I stopped and turned to face him. "My mother wanted me to see if you were coming to the Christmas Ball. She told me she wrote you."
I nod, "She did. Apologize to her for me, I've been busy with schoolwork, I've forgotten to write her back. I guess I have to talk to my Father about it first."
Draco looks at me confused, "...You don't know?"
I return the confused look back, "What?"
"Your dad helped plan the ball."
He what? "No... I didn't know."


On my way back to the dungeons, an owl waits for me on one of the corridor ledges. She coos to grab my attention, and place focus on the parchment that's tied to her leg.

I lean against the wall next to the owl as I read the letter.


I apologize for not writing you sooner, but I am home for the holidays. I have made some arrangements for you to return home during Christmas break.

We've been invited to the Malfoy's Christmas Ball. I expect you to come with. It's a very important night to us all. I will explain when you come home.

See you soon.


Christmas is already next week. He really couldn't have sent a letter sooner?

I crumple up the letter, throw it in the nearest bin, and walk towards the dungeons.


Later that day, I sat underneath my favorite tree by Hogwarts Lake. I found a soft patch of grass to sit on before I opened my new book to read.
I enjoy the peace and quiet for a while before I hear Adrian calling after me.

He's running to where I am and I stand up to greet him. As soon as he gets close to me, he lifts me up into the air and spins me around. I laugh at his excitement, "What's gotten you so giddy?" He safely put me down.

"I got it! I got the internship in Romania!" I start to jump for Joy, "I knew you'd get it!" I jump on him for a tight hug, and he wraps his arms around me, squeezing me tight.
I congratulate him, "I'm so proud of you! When do you leave?"

His smile drops from his face. "...Day before Christmas break." I step back, "...Already?" He nods. "Oh."
He grabs my hand, "But you'll visit right? During the holidays?" I give him a half smile, "My Father is expecting me home for Christmas. I just got his letter." Adrians face saddens, but quickly turned happy again. "That's alright then. I'll just spend time with you now."

He pulls me in for another hug, and I return the embrace.

Should I have told him I'm also spending Christmas with the Malfoy's?


Adrian walked me back to my dorm after dinner before he does his prefect duties. I took a quick shower before melting into my bedsheets.

He's going to Romania, while I'll be stuck here.

What are the chances of us lasting when he's in another country? I can't do long distance! This is my first relationship and I don't want it to be long distance!

I can't even say that I love him, let alone survive a long distance relationship. Not to mention, he'll be so busy with his internship and making new friends, and everything... he won't have time for me.

I deeply sigh as I come to realize...

It's not gonna work out.

Always. (A Draco Malfoy Story)Where stories live. Discover now