Gringotts Bank.

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(A/N: Oct. 21, 2020 Six chapters in one day.. whaaaaat? (According to my time zone lol) I hope you enjoyed them! I'm so sorry you all hated Rosie, but I needed more villains in the story! Do not fret my loves... enjoy this chapter ☺️)


My mind could not comprehend anything at this very moment.

I'm completely and utterly speechless.

I flip through the other pages on the book, filled with pictures and messages and stories.

Why the fuck don't I remember any of this?
Like, this is me. I am in this book. This book is for me!


I decide to take the book with me and apparate back to the house. I study the pages, the pictures, the words, everything about this damn book.

I need to understand what the fuck is going on and why I don't fucking remember being in love with Draco?


Snape gets back to Hogwarts and immediately heads for Headmaster Dumbledores office, who was patiently waiting for him.

"Has it been done, Severus?" Dumbledores firstly asks as Snape walks in. Snape replies, "Yes, they are aware. They shall come tonight." Dumbledore turns around to face Snape, "I trust that everything will go according to plan then?" Snape nods.

Dumbledore smiles, "I'm very proud of you, Severus. You've proven to be what others doubt you for. I hope you and Joy can live in peace after this." Snape developed a soft smile, as Dumbledore apparates out of his office for the last time.

A tear develops and rolls down Snape's cheek. He quickly wiped it away and turned to leave the office when he noticed the Pensieve still open and the shine still shimmering in the water. He sighs and whispers, "thank you" before leaving Dumbledore's office.


I continue to read the book in bed, completely mind blown.

I was deeply head over heels for Draco, but why don't I feel that way now? What happened?
The last memory in this book is us at Christmas. Christmas was only 4-5 months ago! Why don't I remember it?!

Snape suddenly apparates into my room and I instinctively threw the book under the covers and smile at him.
He raises his eyebrows, "Are you ready to go?" I nod and grab the satchel with the sword and my Gringott's key before we both made our way to Diagon Alley.

I've always loved coming to Gringott's. Even if all the goblins look like they need some dick to loosen up, they're just so short and tiny... it's cute.

We walk to the back of Gringott's where a goblin sits high on the counter as we approach him.
I announce, "I'd like to deposit something into vault please."
The goblin looks over the counter, down at me, "And do you have your key?" I nod and pull my key out of my pocket. The goblin takes my key and examines it closely, before squinting down at me. "Name?"

I respond, "Joy."

The goblin adds on, "Surname?"

I furrow my eyebrows, "I don't know?" The goblin scowls at me before asking, "May I please see your wand then?" I sigh and grab my wand, as it's strapped to my thigh. I pass it onto him, so that he can check it.

The goblin nods, "Which vault would you like to deposit to?" My eyes widen, "I'm sorry, which vault? As in I have multiple?" The goblin nods, "Would you like to see them all?" I turn to Snape who had no expression on his face.
I face back to the goblin, "Sure, I guess?"

He takes us in a mining cart and charms for it to move. We're on the cart for a while, going deeper and deeper into into the caves of Gringott's.

I begin to hear the sound of running water getting louder and louder. I turn to the goblin, "Why do I hear water?" He explains, "Thief's Downfall. Prevents burglaries. Washes away all enchantments."
Snape stares at me as the goblin explains.

I repeat what the goblin says, "All enchantments?" He nods.

The cart turns a corner and I saw the waterfall. The water splashes onto us on the cart and it undergoes the curtain of water falling down from the sky.
I felt tingle in my body as well as an ambush of air hit me. Snape watches me as he notices my sudden change in behavior.

I look back at him, unsure if he's aware of what's happening. Suddenly, we come to a stop.
"Key please." Asks the goblin. I hand him my key and watch him unlock one vault, two vaults, three. All filled with gold, galleons and other valuable trinkets. Both Snape and I exit the cart and look into each vault. I looked at him as he hands me the satchel with the sword. I placed it into one of the vaults and walk back to the cart.


We returned back to the house, both Snape and I. We arrived in the living room and both stood there in silence.

He speaks, "I presume you're back to normal now?"

I've never felt so relieved in my entire life.
I ran up to him and hugged him tightly, "Uncle Snape!"

I've never been so glad to be hugging him right now. "What the hell happened?! Where's Draco?! Is he ok?!" I look down at my hand, "Where the fuck is my ring?!" A million thoughts ran through my head, "Oh my god, am I really his heir?!"

Snape nods, "You probably have a chunk of time that you don't remember. That was when your memories were erased. You won't remember what's happened within that time frame." I nod to let him know I understand. "So, what happens now?" I ask.

Snape looks at me with a very serious expression, "We have to finish your tasks."

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