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Draco and Joy,

Please come to the Manor as soon as possible. It's important.


Draco and I looked at each other, wondering what Narcissa would need us for. We both looked concerned knowing that there's a big chance that we could soon be under the same roof as Voldemort. My heart raced even more, with the warning that Snape told me: 'He could benefit off of you.'

Draco and I quickly changed into appropriate attire. He wore his usual black suit and I wore jeans, a tank and leather jacket- all black. I almost forgot to put on my ring necklace when I saw it on the way out the door. I quickly grabbed it and threw it on.
We ran downstairs to the living room before I called out, "Binky! We'll be gone for a bit!"
We grabbed a handful of floo powder and were on our way to Malfoy Manor.


When we arrived, it was dark and quiet. Draco said that was normal. He took my hand and brought me straight to his room.

He swung his bedroom door open and brought me inside. I turned to him and asked, "What are you doing?" His hand was still on the doorknob, "I'll go find Mother." I took a step forward to him, "I'll come with you." Draco shook his head, "Joy, stay here."
I started to get loud, "I'm not gonna let you go on your own when he might be here!" Draco reassured me, "I know my own house, love. I'll be alright. Stay here." I huffed in annoyance, but eventually nodded.
He closed the bedroom door and enchanted a spell so that it stayed locked, and kept me from leaving the room.


What felt like hours, was really only about 15 minutes. I stayed on his bed, watching the door, waiting for the doorknob to turn. I gasped as it did and stood up when Draco walked in and shut the door behind him. I asked, "So?"
Draco shook his head, "She's not home. No one is here." I sighed gratefully and nodded.

We both decided to read while waiting for Narcissa to come home. It was actually kind of nice, but it's still mind blowing to know that Draco reads voluntarily.

We both sat up straight when we heard someone fly in through the fireplace. Draco signaled for me to be quiet while he carefully got off the bed, trying not to creak the floor. We heard a voice.
"Draco? Joy?"

Draco looked back at me- It's Narcissa.

We darted down and  made our way to the first floor and saw her standing in front of the fireplace. Draco ran up to her first and hugged her, I did the same after.
Narcissa took a good look at the both of us before asking, "Are you two alright? Have you eaten?" We both nod and smiled. Draco began to ask, "What's wrong, Mother? Why did you call us here?"
She gives us a half smile, "Let's have a seat first." She motions for us to walk towards the couch.

Draco and I both sat on the couch, while Narcissa sat on a lone recliner-like seat. She turned to the both of us before explaining.
"Draco, your father is being held in Azkaban." I felt him tense up, "What?!" Narcissa sighs, "He was to receive a prophecy for the Dark Lord, but it got destroyed in the process. The Dark Lord is not happy."
I squeezed Draco's hand and watched him as he's trying his best to remain calm. "His trial is set for the Monday after next," Narcissa went on, "The Dark Lord would like you to take his place."

Draco's entire body went cold, "...Excuse me? Take his place?" She nods. "You mean..." She cuts him off, "Yes, exactly." His head drops as he took a deep breathe in and out. He mumbled out, "...Ok."

I stood up, "NO WAY! You are not becoming a Death Eater!" Draco's voice was soft now, "Love, I have to." I grew quiet and tried to collect my thoughts.

I can't let him deal with this alone.

I sat down again, even closer to him. "Then I'll do it too." Both Narcissa and Draco looked at me astounded. Draco immediately says, "No."


It was his turn to stand up now, "No, Joy. It's one thing for me, but not you."
I argued with him, "I'm not gonna let you do this by yourself, Draco! If you become one, so will I!"
Narcissa's interest piqued as she continued to watch Draco and I argue.

"Joy, you are not becoming a Death Eater. End of discussion." Draco's glare met mine.
I furrowed my eyebrows, "End of discussion? Sweetie, this is only the beginning!"

I stood up, yelling, "Who else would know about the life of working for the Dark Lord? Oh, I know! How about the daughter of two Death Eaters?! Who, coincidentally I might add, will be your wife soon!"
He scoffs, "That doesn't mean you throw your life away!" I huffed, "But it's perfectly fine for you?!" Draco rolls his eyes and turns to Narcissa, "Mother, please tell her how ridiculous she's being!"
Narcissa slowly spoke, "Well..."

Draco's eyes squinted, "Well what?" Narcissa clears her throat, "Ben has actually offered Joy to also join... on behalf of the family."

I'm shocked. One: because Father offered me to the Dark Lord. Two: The fact that Narcissa was on my side against Draco.
Merlin, I love my future mother in law.

Draco shouted, "HE WHAT?!" Draco stared at me, who bore the face of someone who happily got what she wanted. Narcissa mentioned, "But the Dark Lord does not know the nature of your relationship. All he knows, is that Joy is Ben and Mila's daughter."

Draco's glare went from angry to concerned as he walked up to me and held my hands in his, "Baby, are you sure about this?" I smiled and cupped his face, "More than anything."

I reached into my blouse and pulled out my ring necklace to show him. His eyes widened as he saw the emerald ring for the first time in years. I held it between our faces and took the chain out of its band, the ring now between my fingers.
"I'm with you, always."

Draco smiled and grabbed the ring from me and slid it onto my left ring finger. He kissed the top of my hand and agreed, "Always."

Always. (A Draco Malfoy Story)Where stories live. Discover now