Just Like That.

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(A/N: Oct. 26, 2020 We're over 220k reads! ❤️ And I saw a few people plugging my story on TikTok! 😭 Words can't express how much I appreciate you all! I'm sorry I'm not posting as much as before... I've been busy at work and I really don't want this story to end yet! LOL!)


I tell Binky we won't be needing anything else for tonight, and that he can go to bed if he'd like.

I could tell that the food tired him out so I let him off early. I'll give him his Christmas present in the morning.

I bring Draco up to my room and have him sit on my bed.

"What is it?" Draco looks worried about what I'm going to say next.

I shut my bedroom door and face him, "... I've met Rosie."

His eyes widened, "O-oh?"

I giggle, "You were right when you said she was so similar to me." I take my wand out and began to play with it.

"...Are you gonna kill me?" Draco asks while climbing backwards onto my bed, eyeing out my wand.

I look down at what he was staring at, "Oh! No no! I just— I need to show you something."

He looks at me still scared, but kept his eyes on me as I flicked my wand.

I morphed into Rosie before Draco's eyes. I watched him for any sort of reaction., but he kind of just... blinked blindly at me.

He spoke in a hushed tone, "... how long have you known?"

I tried to calculate in my head how long ago I figured it out.
He began to yell, "HOW LONG?!"

His sudden change in volume shocked me, "A few days?"

I flicked my wand and changed back into Joy.

He stands up yelling, "So you didn't think to tell me 'a few days ago'?!"

I scoff, "I was still processing this, Draco!"

He began to pace around the room, "You had me at home, hating myself for what I did to you, when you knew that you were Rosie for a while now?!"

The fucking nerve— "YOU DESERVED TO HATE YOURSELF!You thought Rosie was a completely different person!" I started to scream back to him, "You didn't know we were the same person! I didn't even know who you were to me cause in case you forgot... I lost my memories for you!"

Draco began to stomp over to me, causing me to walk back until my back hit the nearest wall. He held my shoulders against the wall, gripping them right as the anger started to build in him, "I DIDN'T ASK YOU TO DO THAT!"

I pushed him off of me, growing absolutely frustrated at this point. I run my fingers through my hair and take a deep sigh, "Draco, I can't keep doing this."

He looks down at the ground and shrugs his shoulders, "...Then let's not."

I look to him, "What do you mean?"

"Let's not keep doing this..." He points between our two bodies, "...us."

Is he serious right now?

"Are-are you breaking up with me?" I could feel my heart jump to my throat.

He whispers, "Well...we were never officially dating, were we?"

I lift my head up to prevent the tears that are forming from falling, "...Just engaged."

He got quiet and refused to look at me.
I scoff, "So after what you just said to my mum...?"

He puts his hands in his pockets, "I told her I wanted to marry you once everything was all over... we're just not there yet."

My heartbreak turned into rage at this point.

If he doesn't want to be with me, then fine.

I scoffed and began to walk over to my bookshelf and pulled our book out. I threw it at him, which hit him in the chest as he catches it.

I tell him, "Then take it all back. Keep the book. Keep the ring. Keep everything. If this is what you want, then fine." I pull the roses out of the vase that Binky arranged for me, and throw them too.

He stares down at the book in his hands then back up at me, "So...just like that, huh?"

I cross my arms, "It's what you wanted, right?"

He nods, "Yeah... it is."

I roll my eyes and walk to the bedroom door and hold it open for him, "You can go now."

He begins to walk to the door as I held it open. He stops in front of me and I refuse to look at him in the eyes. I could see in my peripheral vision that he looks over to me and his mouth opened as if he was about to say something... but he didn't.

He didn't say a single word as he walked out the door.

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