Astronomy tower.

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Days went by and Draco still hasn't asked me to the Yule Ball. I've managed to minimize my list of potential dates to a top 5, just in case I needed them.

"So how did Blaise ask you?" I sit up on my bed, flipping through my book. Tori is practicing her make up looks for the Ball. "He planned a picnic near the Hogwarts Lake." I'm shocked, "Wow, who knew Zabini was romantic?"
A few minutes go by before I say, "So you guys are getting pretty serious, huh?" She puts down her makeup brush, "Oh! I didn't tell you?" I look up to her, "What?"
"He asked me to be his girlfriend the other day." I see her smile on her reflection. I shut my book and start screaming. "And I'm only hearing about this now?! Tori, this is huge!" I run up to her and pulled her in for a big hug. "I'm so happy for you!" I squeeze her even tighter as I feel her giggle. I pull her body away from mine, "He knows what will happen if he makes you cry, right?!" I stare at her with a serious look. "Yes, yes." She answers. I walk back to my bed and climb in.

"Are you really gonna make Draco ask you to the ball?" I didn't even get to reopen my book. "Well, if he wants to go with me, then yes."

A familiar owl taps its beak against our rooms window as it looks at me. I take the letter that she's holding and replace it with a treat for her. I scratch the feathers on her head before sending her away. "Speaking of the devil," I flash the dark envelope in my hands to Tori.
I open the envelope to read the letter inside:

Astronomy tower.
9 o'clock.



I'm having dinner in the Great Hall, sitting with Tori, Chelsie and Harper. Chelsie and Harper are both talking about how a set of twins from Durmstrang asked them both to the ball and they're trying to color coordinate.

Olivia Beaumont walks up to where I'm sitting and leans over the table. "Joy, have you seen Draco? I wanted to see when I should expect his invitation to the Yule Ball." A smile stretches across her face. I see Tori rolling her eyes as she takes another bite out of her chicken. I turn to face the she-devil, "I'm not sure, Olivia. He might be in my room." She rolls her eyes at me before walking away. I take a sip of my pumpkin juice, "Fucking git."

Blaise soon joins us at the dinner table, but I still don't see Draco anywhere. He takes a seat next to Tori and begins to load his plate. "Hey, where's Draco?" I ask him. He continues to grab more food, "Sorry, I'm not allowed to say." I huff loudly before telling Tori, "Ugh Tori, your boyfriend is useless." She slaps my arm, "Hey! Leave him alone."

It's 5 minutes to 9 o'clock and I begin to finish up my food. As I take a last sip of my pumpkin juice, I feel a tap on my shoulder. Crabbe and Goyle are both standing behind me.
"Draco told us to walk you to the tower." I sigh, "Of course he did." I wipe my mouth and excuse myself from the table. "Alright, let's go Goons."

We get to the Astronomy tower and I see the stairs. I look at the Goons who are a few feet behind me, "Really?" They both nod. I sigh and begin my journey up.
As I reach the top of the stairs, I see small lights lined up against the railing. A little farther up, I can see a blanket laid across the floor with some pillows and a small basket. The view from the Astronomy tower was breath taking. It shows the perfect view of Hogwarts Lake. I go to the opening and lean against the railing. I look up at the sky and see the moon shining bright.

I feel a pair of arms wrap around me from behind. I look back and see Draco, resting his chin on my shoulder. "Do you like it?" He whispers in my ear. "It's beautiful." I turn to face him. He dressed up for tonight. He's wearing all black, of course. A turtleneck with a jacket to cover. You can tell he spent extra time on his hair today. "Don't you look dashing!" I pull on his jacket. He motions for us to have a seat on the blanket, which I gladly obliged. He pulls out strawberry tarts out of the basket behind me, "I hope you saved room for dessert." I giggle, "There's always room for dessert!"

I don't know how long we stayed up in the Astronomy Tower. Time just flew by so quickly. We were both laying on the blanket, my head on his chest.
"This was really cute, Draco. I'm impressed." I begin playing with the flap of his jacket. "What did you expect, love? This is our first date." I look up to him, "Oh really?" He looks down at me, and he says, "Yeah, expect them to get better and better each time." He laughs.

"Joy, I have something I want to ask you." I sit up and look at him, "what is it?"
He sits up and grabs my hand, "Will you be my date to the Yule Ball?"
I smile, "I would love to." He kisses the top of my hand before kissing my cheek.

"Guess I have to tell my top 5 that I already have a date." I chuckle. "No no. Let me do it. I'd love to see their faces when I tell them you're going with me." He runs his hand through his hair, wearing a proud look on his face.
"Fine. Then I get to tell Olivia." He questions me, "Olivia?" "She asked for you at dinner. I told her you were in my room." I give him a wink. "Well, that can be arranged." I slap his chest and we both laugh together, enjoying each other's presence.

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