Draco stood still as he saw my body drop to the floor. The lifeless body of his fiancée. The girl he loves. Laying on the ground in front of him. Unconscious.
Everyone around the room is kind of frozen in time, except for Draco and Voldemort.
Voldemort warns Draco, "Draco... if you try to remind anyone of who Joy is, I will know. If you try to convince Joy of who she is, I will know. I will know and I will kill her. Do you understand me?" Draco nods his head. "Now, everyone will come to very soon. Joy will still be unconscious for a few hours. You will tend to her until she wakes." He nods.
Draco picks me up bridal style as everyone slowly starts to come to.
Voldemort beckons Narcissa, "Narcissa, would it be a burden for Joy to rest here until she wakes?" Narcissa answers, "Of course not, my Lord. It's an honor to help your heir." Narcissa turns to Draco, "Draco, bring her to the guest room."
Draco carries the limp body past the other Death Eaters as they all watched him carry Voldemort heir out the door.
Bellatrix steps forward, "My Lord, are you sure she is worthy enough to follow you?" Voldemort darts his eyes to her, "You will show her the same respect that you give me! Is that understood?!" Bellatrix wobbles back in line and nods her head.
Voldemort looks around the room and repeats himself, "You will show Joy the same respect that you show me. She will not hesitate to reprimand any of you, and she does not need my permission to do so."The many Death Eaters all nod as they understood the words coming out of Voldemort's mouth.
Do not mess with Joy.
Draco brings me to their guest bedroom. He feels odd that he can't just bring her directly to his room without it looking suspicious.
He gently lays me down on the bed and pushes my hair out of my face. He cups my cheek and rubs his thumb against my skin, and he begins to quietly cry.
'We were supposed to get married when this was all over.' He grabs my hand and gently kisses it.
He hears Narcissa calling after him, so he leaves me alone in the bedroom, hoping I don't wake up before he has the chance to return.-
I woke up groggy and dazed. I feel like I got trampled by a hippogriff.
I sit up and take a look around, "Where the fuck am I?" The bedroom is neat, and darkly decorated. I look at the bedding, and notice the silky green sheets as I gently rub my hand against the fabric.
I'm impressed, this place is actually kind of nice.
I'm suddenly hit with pain pulsating on my left arm. I look down at my forearm and see the Dark Mark.
Great, I'm a fucking Death Eater.
I sigh and get off of the bed. I walk over to a near by mirror and take my hair down out of this awful bun. I remove my jacket, so I'm now just in a strapless black top, with my black jeans, and high top shoes?I ruffle my hair a bit in the mirror.
I notice I'm wearing a ring. It's a bloody fucking gorgeous ring, but too damn flashy for me to wear. I take off the ring and put it in my pocket for now. I toss my jacket to the bed and try and find my way around this damn house.I feel strangely compelled to this dark mahogany door. I press my ear against the wood and can hear muffled voices on the other side. The door suddenly swings open and I jump back at the sudden movement.
I see the Dark Lord, and he's motioning me over.
I hold my head up high and walk toward him, everyone's eyes on me as I walk by."Joy, you've finally woken." Voldemort greets me.
I look at him confused, "You were waiting for me?" He smiles, "Of course. I'd like to introduce you to a few people." He wraps his arm around my shoulder and steps to the side to reveal a group of people that I guess are important enough that I have to remember their names.
"Ben Deveroux."
"Bellatrix Lestrange."
"Fenrir Greyback."
"Corban Yaxley."
"Alecto Carrow."
"Amycus Carrow."
"Antonio Dolohov."
"Severus Snape."
"Draco Malfoy."I take a good look at all of them and huff, "Not that impressive, my Lord. I'm sure you could've found better."
He smiles, "It's very hard to find loyal followers these days, Joy."I look up at him when he speaks to everyone, "Joy shall begin her fellowship immediately. I expect everyone to not disappoint me." His glare went straight to Malfoy. I also look to Malfoy, who looked back at Voldemort, then to me.
He looks my age, right? Not so bad of an eye candy.
I decide to cause a little trouble and flash him a wink. He starts to grow uncomfortable and looks away from me.Oh yeah, this is gonna be fun.

Always. (A Draco Malfoy Story)
FanfictionREAD DESCRIPTION FIRST TO AVOID CONFUSION. -currently under revision, my grammar sucks- Joy Deveroux, the last descendant of the wealthy, pure-blooded Deveroux's, transfers to Hogwarts. What happens when she realizes she has a more twisted fate than...