"Narcissa. Bellatrix. To what do I owe... the pleasure?" Snape motions for them to enter his office in his home.
Narcissa takes a seat on an open chair while Bellatrix looks around the room. "I've no where else to turn, Severus." She looks down on the rug below her feet. Snape stares at her, "It so happens... I'm aware of your situation Narcissa."
Bellatrix snaps her head in Snape's direction, "The Dark Lord told you?" Snape returns the glare and raises on eyebrow, "Your sister doubts me, Narcissa. Understandable. I've managed to deceive one of the greatest wizards of all time."Bellatrix scoffs and leans to Narcissa, "You should feel honored, Cissy. As should Draco." Narcissa ignores the comments made by Bellatrix, "They're just children, Severus."
Bellatrix furrows her eyebrows, "They? You care for the Deveroux girl?" Bellatrix looks over to Narcissa who explains, "Bella, they are to wed."
Bellatrix grew quiet before she smirked, "I knew I liked her for a reason."Snape watches their exchange before going on, "I can't change the Dark Lord's mind, but perhaps... I could provide some protection..."
Narcissa whips her head to look up at Snape, stands up and begs, "Severus, please... if you could—""Swear to it." Snape and Narcissa's attention focused on Bellatrix who continued on, "Make the unbreakable vow."
Draco and I were at home, pondering on what we were ordered to do.
"Kill Dumbledore?" I lowly whispered, "He can't be serious." Draco scoffs and sarcastically says, "Yes Joy, the Dark Lord was simply having a laugh with us." He rolled his eyes. "How in blood hell are we supposed to do that?!" A million things ran through my head. 'Were supposed to murder the Headmaster. One of the greatest wizard of all time. Oh, for fucking Salazar's sake.'We found a day to go to Diagon Alley to purchase our materials for the upcoming school year. I quickly grabbed our vault key from my parent's closet before flooing to Gringott's with Draco, Narcissa to meet us there.
We hitched a ride to my family's vault, deep into the caves of Gringott's bank.
"Key please." The Goblin held out his hand. I handed him the key, which he happily unlocked the vault for me. He swung the gate open and revealed one our vaults to be more full than I last recalled.
I furrowed my eyebrows in question and turned to the Goblin, while Draco waited for us in the cart, "Who has been depositing galleons into our vault since I last came?" The Goblin reached into his pocket and pulled out a piece of parchment, which he carefully read through. "Mr. Deveroux has made a large deposit a few days ago."'Where the fuck did he get the extra galleons from?'
I thanked the Goblin before filling my little sack and rejoined Draco, who was patiently waiting for me.
We purchased our supplies for school and Draco called for Dibby to bring our stuff to the Manor for now. Dibby fearfully obliged, but gave me a soft smile before apparating away.
We met up with Narcissa who was accompanied by Bellatrix and Fenrir Greyback, who advised us to keep our heads down and they escorted us down an alleyway.
"Is it me, or does Draco, Joy and Mummy look like people who don't want to be followed?" Ron whispered to Harry and Hermione as they observed us through a window. They all exchanged some looks before following us down the alley.
The light did not shine much through the surrounding buildings. Smoke filled the air as we walked down the cobblestone path to Borgin and Burkes. I fell a little behind as they continued to walk ahead of me, but made sure I didn't lose them.
I could hear light footsteps trailing behind our group, not too far away. I turned around to monitor the area, but saw no one there. I dismissed the noises I heard and continued my way to Borgin and Burkes.I felt someone grab my arm and pull me into the shadows. Instinctively I grabbed my wand a dug it into the neck of the person who dared to scare me.
"Joy! It's me!" I pinned Harry to the wall and began to look around if anyone could see us, but only saw Ron and Hermione who had their wands pointed right at me. I whisper yelled, "Why are you following me?!" My arm was holding him by his throat, he's trying to catch his breath, "Why are you here with Malfoy?"
I furrowed my eyebrows before letting him go, sliding my wand back into my pocket. "Mind your own business, Harry. What I do with my fiancée, is none of your concern."I tried to walk away from him, but he grabs onto my left arm, squeezing on the Dark Mark and causes me to to softly whimper at the pain. I quickly pulled my arm out of his grasp and pulled my sleeve more down, now behind held by my left hand. "Just leave him alone, Harry. He's going through a lot right now."
I looked him in his eyes, when he sighed and nods. Hermione and Ron were watching the two of us talk before I squeezed my way through them and caught up with Draco and the rest.Greyback stayed near the entrance of Borgin and Burkes, waiting for me.
"Where were you?" His voice hissed.
"None of your business, Greyback." I snapped back.
I slipped by him, but he pulled me back to whisper into my ear, "You should watch your tongue, little girl. It'll get you into trouble." I elbowed him in the gut, knocking the wind out of him and letting me free. I fixed my clothing before bending over to whisper, "You should watch who you're talking to, Greyback. Father would have a ball with punishing you, if I told him you laid hands on his little girl."I smirked in his face before joining Draco and the rest, as the shopkeep escorted us to the Vanishing Cabinet.

Always. (A Draco Malfoy Story)
FanfictionREAD DESCRIPTION FIRST TO AVOID CONFUSION. -currently under revision, my grammar sucks- Joy Deveroux, the last descendant of the wealthy, pure-blooded Deveroux's, transfers to Hogwarts. What happens when she realizes she has a more twisted fate than...