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Draco lays in his bed, twirling his wand between his fingers, thinking of me.He know that lessons resume tomorrow, and I still haven't returned to Hogwarts.
Blaise enters their room, "Hey mate." He takes a seat on his own bed. Draco doesn't respond to him, he's too deep into thought. Wondering where I am. What I'm doing. Why I suddenly left.

Suddenly, their door flies open. Crabbe and Goyle both burst through the door. Draco snaps out of his dream-like state and look to both of them before barking at them, "About time you got here. I sent you for the paper hours ago."
The Goons look at each other before returning their gaze to Draco, "Uh Malfoy..." Draco sits up, "What? Spit it out!" Crabbe hands the Daily Prophet over to Draco as he and Blaise look at the front article:


They all read the article:

"The Deveroux family, consisting of Ben and Mila Deveroux, and their only daughter, Joy, are now under the watch of the Ministry of Magic due to suspected ties with He-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named. Evidence have been provided that Mila Deveroux was a loyal follower of He-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named, and was taken to Azkaban Thursday Night. Trial pending.
Ben Deveroux, who currently works directly under the care of Minister Cornelius Fudge, has been placed on administrative work for the time being.
No comments have been made by the Deveroux Family at this time."

Their eyes stayed glue to the paper that's clutched between Draco's hands. "So that's why she left," Blaise comments. Draco tosses the paper to Blaise as he pushed through the Goons and storms out of the room.

He gets to the common room where he sees everyone reading the newest edition of the Daily Prophet. Whispers fill the common room.

'The Deveroux's?' 'Azkaban?' 'Where's Joy?' 'Is she coming back?'

Frustrated, Draco yells, "Oi! If any of you roaches have something to say about Joy, say it to my face. I dare you!" His face turns red and his fists squeeze so tight his nails are digging into his skin. He snatched the newspaper from a boys grip and throws it on the floor before heading out the common room.


Draco barges into Snape's office. "You could have told me!"
Snape doesn't even bother to turn around to face Draco, "It wasn't of your concern, Mr. Malfoy."
"I knew of her family's business! You know of ours! You should've just told me!"
Snape finally turns to face Draco and glides over to him, "Miss Deveroux has asked to not include you in her family matters." Draco takes a step back, "Wh-what?"

Snape motions for Draco to take a seat, which Draco obliged. "Miss Deveroux has a family dilemma even more complicated than your own, Mr. Malfoy. She has enough to worry about. I would suggest for you to not confuse her even more with your... emotional connection... once she returns." Draco become baffled, "Emotional—" He pauses,
" know?" Snape goes on, "Yes. Who do you think taught her the art of Occlumency and Legilimency? I'm sure you would've have figured it out."
Draco processed this information in his head before speaking, "When is she coming back?" "She did not mention. Although, she is ahead of her studies, so it may not be anytime soon." Snape walks to his office door and holds it open, "You are excused." Draco gets the hint and makes his way to the door. In a last attempt, he turns to Snape to plead, "If you hear anything..." Snape interrupts him, "Mr. Malfoy, respect Miss Deveroux's wishes." Draco nods and leaves the office.


I took a quick shower before finishing up my packing. I have to return to Hogwarts in a few hours. I fill my bags with extra clothing and other things that I think I may need for the remainder of the year.

An owl lands on my windowsill and coos to catch my attention. I walk over to the owl, who hands me the letter before flying away. It's from Dumbledore:

Miss Deveroux,

Please see me in my office upon your return to Hogwarts. I will be expecting you soon.

Headmaster Dumbledore

Great. Now, I have to talk to Dumbledore. I zip up my luggage before I hear another owl coo for my attention. I turn around to my surprise, an owl I didn't expect...


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