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"...And done."

It took a few more days, but the cabinet was finally cosmetically repaired. Now, all we have to do is get it to work.
Draco throws the cloth covering back over the Vanishing Cabinet, "I think that's enough work for now. We can finish after the holidays."

Christmas was only a few days away, and we were all getting ready to go home.
I'm in our dorm room packing, when Tori walks in, "I can't believe I'm not gonna see you this Christmas!" I chuckle, "Just because I'm staying at Draco's for the holidays, doesn't mean I won't see you." I zip up the last of my luggage, "Besides, I still have to go home and grab some clothes." She smiles and nods, before finishing up her packing.

I decided to stop by Snape's office before we take our leave.
I walk to his office, noticing that his door is opened ajar... which is strange.

I push the door back more to see inside his office and I see that he has majority of his belongings packed... like he's moving out of the office. I trace along the boxes full of objects and look around the room.


I turn and see Snape standing in the doorframe, "What are you doing here? The carriages will leave soon."
I nod, "I know. I just wanted to see you before I go." He flares ar me before he resumes packing up with stuff. "So... where are you going?" I ask him, concerned, "Surely you don't need all of this to go home, right?" He replies, "Just keeping them away, in case someone dares to steal from my office." I nod. He's right, he may not be the Potion's Professor anymore, but if you needed to find something rare, you'd find it here.

"Snape..." I begin to say, "Why do I feel like... the next few months are gonna be... worse?" I look at him for comfort, but he only answers me question with another, "Are you still having nightmares, Joy?"
Not so much. The last one being the night I puked my brains out. I shake my head, "Not for a while. The last one was pretty gruesome."

He nods, and glides over to me and places his hand on my shoulder. "I wouldn't let any harm come to you or Draco, as promised. Whatever I do, it will always be to protect the both of you." I give a half smile and nod at his words.


I'm walking with Tori to carriages that'll take us to the train from Hogwarts. The boys were waiting for us.

As we approached them, I could hear Draco scolding the Goons and Blaise snickering about.
"...Don't you two dare fucking look at her, understood? I didn't forget about you imbeciles wanting to snog her." The Goons dropped their heads down in shame and Blaise continued to laugh. "Who knew they had a thing for Joy?" Blaise musters out between laughs.

Tori and I overheard them and began to giggle as we got closer. "Hi baby!" Tori runs over to Blaise and gives him a kiss on the cheek.
"Hi guys." I greet everyone. "You look beautiful today, love." Draco whispers in my ear before kissing the top of my head. I couldn't help but blush.

I leaned over to look past Draco and greet the Goons, "Hi Goons!" They continued to stare at the ground and even turned to face their bodies away from me. Draco wrapped his arm around my waist as he glared at the two, daring them to look up at me. I smirk, "Sorry about the other day. I just needed to teach Draco a lesson." They mumbled something but I couldn't quite figure out what they said.
"Speak up when you're talking to her!" Draco barked. I nudge him, indicating he's being unnecessarily mean. The Goons spoke a little louder, enough for me to understand, "...S'alright."


The sounds of the train grinding against the train tracks will always have a comforting sound to it. It'll remind me that I'm always going home, where to Hogwarts with Draco or the the estate with Mother and Father. At least this time, I can say that home now includes the Manor, with Narcissa and Lucius, whenever he's released from Azkaban.

"Mother is excited for us to be home." Draco whispers into my ear. I smile, "I'm excited to see her." I'm suddenly reminded of something I've been meaning to ask Draco, "Has Narcissa mentioned anything to you about Mother's whereabouts? Rue can't seem to find her." Draco shakes his head, "No. Sorry, darling." I sigh but understand. I don't think Narcissa would tell Draco before I, anyhow.


The train ride was felt quicker this time around, but no complaints. I'm glad I could be home.

Draco and I waited together at Kings Cross until one of us got picked up. Narcissa arrived to the station shortly after we got off the train. They insisted on staying with me until I get picked up, but I motioned for them to go ahead and I'll see them at the Manor later on tonight.
Draco gently kisses my cheek and Narcissa gives me a hug before they both leave.

I wait a little while more before I see someone, but it wasn't Binky.

"Ready to go, Joy?"

I look at him confused, "What are you doing here? Where's Binky?"
"Binky has other duties to tend to. I can at least pick my daughter up from the station." I furrow my eyebrows in suspicion. Father never does things without a second agenda.
Nevertheless, I walk with him out of the station.


We get to the estate and I already begin to pack some clothing to take with me to the Manor.

I hear faint footsteps in the hallway, ones that are much too little to be Father's.


Binky rushes into my room, "Miss Joy! You're home!" My eyes widen at the appearance of Binky, I've never seen him covered in dirt before. He's always clean and polished. "Binky, what happened to you?" I rush over to him and crouch down, "Why are you all dirty?" I begin to dust off the dirt that's on him. "I was doing my duties, Miss Joy." I sigh and pinch his cheeks before standing up again.

I could hear Binky beginning to whimper, "What's wrong, Binky?"
"Miss Joy... I need to tell you something." He begins to fiddle with his cloth. "It's about Mrs. Master."
I gasp, "Where is Mother? Is she here?"

Binky gets quiet, "She's gone, Miss Joy."

I looked over to Binky, "What do you means she's gone?"

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