The next few days were dreamy.
Every chance Draco and I had to sneak off and snog, we took it. In between classes, during dinner when everyone's in the Great Hall, coming late into class because we lost track of time. My heart fluttered with every second I spent with Draco.
I haven't felt this kind of happiness in a very long time. It was nice to finally have someone... so that I wasn't so lonely anymore.
In between classes, I was leaning against the wall in the corridor with Draco towering over me, one hand holding him up against the wall, the other in his pocket. God, he's so fucking sexy.
He was talking about something... I wasn't really paying attention cause my eyes were fixated on his lips. I bit my lower lip fantasizing about how swollen my lips get when he's rough and hungry whenever we snog. My mind begins to trail off to fantasize about other things I'd want him to do to me until...
"Are you even listening?" I snapped out of my daydream, "Huh? What?"
Draco chuckled, "Do we need to find a nearby closet or empty classroom right now?"
I grabbed his tie as it was loosely hanging out of his dress shirt, and used it to pull him down and closer to me, "Maybe."Our faces were only centimeters apart when something at the corner of my eye caught my attention. I turned my head in that direction, but didn't see what I thought I saw. Draco asked, "What's wrong, love?"
"I swear I thought I just saw..." Draco looks at me confused, "...Never mind."The Goons came running up to us, "Malfoy, Umbridge is calling for us. Chang broke under pressure, we got them!"
Draco looked at me with guilty eyes, "I have to go, but I'll see you in the common room later?" I nod and kiss him goodbye, I then watched the three boys disappear around the corner.-
I'm sitting on the couch in the common room, chatting with Tori and Blaise, as we wait for Draco and the Goons.
I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around, expecting for it to be Draco.
Holy fuck was I wrong.
Standing behind me was Adrian Pucey, the person who I thought I saw earlier in the corridors. Great fucking Merlin, why did I have to be right?!
I'm in utter disbelief, "What are you doing here? Why aren't you in Romania?" He rubs his hand on the back of his neck, "Dropping off the remainder of my assignments... and to see you." He points in the direction of the common room door, "Can we talk in private?" I stand up and walk over to Tori and Blaise who's eyes are glued to me, wondering what I'm gonna do next. I shake my head, "I don't think that's a good idea, Adrian."
"Why not?"
"If you have something to talk to me about, right here is fine."Adrian was about to say something when someone else makes an appearance.
"Pucey! My man!" Lawrence comes down the staircase and walked straight to Adrian to pull him in for a bro-hug. "Rumors were true, you're here!"
Lawrence's eyes met mine. "Joy..." He smirked, "...Where's Malfoy?"Adrian's eyebrows furrowed, "Malfoy?" He looked at me then back at Lawrence. Lawrence chuckled, "Tsk tsk Joy, you didn't tell him?"
'This fucking asshole.'
"Tell me what?" Adrian looked confused as ever.
Draco comes running into the common room with Crabbe and Goyle right behind him. "Love! We caught Potter and his—"
Draco runs up to me and wrapped his arm around my shoulder. It took Draco a second to realize Adrian Pucey was standing right in front of us. The smile from his face immediately dropped. His grip on my shoulder grew tighter.
Adrian looked at me, then to Draco, then back at me. He pointed, "You... and him?" Draco smiled. "You're dating?!"
Lawrence pats him on the back, "Nah mate. They're engaged."Adrian was fuming. "You're engaged to him?!"
Adrian pulls me out of Draco's grip, held me by my shoulders and shakes me, "Are you in danger? Is he blackmailing you?" Draco smacks his hands off of me and push me behind him. "Back off of her!" I just stared at Adrian. Draco spoke for me and simply said, "She's with me now."
"So what?! This entire time?!" Adrian's face started to get red from rage. "Is he why you couldn't tell me you loved me?!" He points to Draco.
I confidently walked out from behind Draco, "Yeah, he was."Adrian scoffs, "Thought I could come back and talk to you, but instead I find out that you're engaged to Malfoy?! It didn't take you very long to move on, huh?!" Draco's eyes burned into Adrian, as Adrian kept his focus on me. Adrian screams on, "Probably was cheating on me with him the whole time!"
Draco comes to my defense, "Fuck off, Pucey!" Adrian steps up to Malfoy, "Why don't you make me?!"
Draco huffed, "Gladly!" He pushed Adrian hard and quick, causing him to fall backwards into Lawrence.
Before Adrian got to swing at Draco, I screamed, "ENOUGH!"I stood between them, looking up at Adrian. "I don't need to explain shit to you."
"Yes, you do!" He grabs my arm and instinctively, I twisted his arm all the way around then pushed him away from me. He stumbled and lost his step as he tried to look back at me, in disbelief."Stay the fuck away from me and my fiancée."
I stood by Draco's side, "You know what I'm capable of, Adrian. Why don't you ask your friend, Lawrence, for a reminder?" I shot a look at Lawrence whose smile disappeared as the memory replayed in his head.
I saw Draco smirk when he knew I didn't need his help in handling this. He wrapped his arm around my shoulders once more as we both exited the common room together.

Always. (A Draco Malfoy Story)
FanfictionREAD DESCRIPTION FIRST TO AVOID CONFUSION. -currently under revision, my grammar sucks- Joy Deveroux, the last descendant of the wealthy, pure-blooded Deveroux's, transfers to Hogwarts. What happens when she realizes she has a more twisted fate than...