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The train has settled into the station as all the students slowly got off. I began to stand up to grab my things but Draco pulled me back down into my seat. "Ow, what gives?" I looked at him. He looked up again where he believe Potter to be and the luggage moved slightly once more.
Tori and Blaise were already to the door of the carriage, when they both turned back to see us still sitting in our seats. "Aren't you two coming?" Tori asks. Draco replies, "You two go on. We need to check something." Blaise nods and helps Tori off of the train.

Draco holds my hand as we both casually slide out of our seats. He grabs our luggage from above, keeping an eye on Harry. Draco has me standing near the door after he shut it closed and let the blinds down. I whisper, "What are you doing?" He completely ignores my question and turns his attention to Harry, now that we're all alone.

"Didn't Mummy ever tell you it's bad manners to eavesdrop, Potter?" Draco whips out his wand, "Petrificus Totalus!" I gasp as I hear a loud thud on the floor in front of Draco and see petrified Harry slightly exposed as an invisibility cloak has fallen off of him. Draco towers over Harry's body, "Oh right, she was dead before you could wipe drool off of your chin." He kicked Harry's still body, resulting in a streak of blood flowing from Harry's nose. I heard Draco whisper, "That was for my father. Enjoy the ride back to London." He grabbed the cloak and placed in over Harry to conceal his entire body.
Draco turns to me and extends his hand out for me to hold as he grabbed the rest of our belongings. I ask him, "Do you feel better now?" Draco looked back at the spot where Harry is, "I should've killed him."


We're walking towards the castle since it seems we've missed the last of the carriages. Professor Flitwick was checking students in as they've arrived, "Names please."
"You're bloody joking, right?" Draco scoffs. I roll my eyes before saying, "Joy Deveroux and Draco Malfoy." He crossed off our names on the parchment he's holding and motions for us to go along. He walk past him before he mentioned, "Oh!" I turn around at his voice but Draco continues to walk to our luggage. Flitwick tells me, "Congratulations on the engagement, Miss Deveroux." I give him a polite smile, "Thank you, Professor." I quickly walk to up to join Draco, who's giving Filch a hard time about Lucius' walking stick.
"It's not a cane, you cretin. It's a walking stick!" Draco yells at Filch. "And what pray tell, do you need with a walking stick?" Snape emerges from behind Filch, "Don't worry, Mr. Filch. I can vouch for Mr. Malfoy." Snape looks up at me before greeting me, "Miss Deveroux." I give him a wave.
Snape's gaze wandered off to Harry and Lovegood, who weren't standing away too far from us. Draco also looked over to them before saying, "Nice face, Potter."
I yanked at Draco's arm, which he completely dismissed and just fixed his suit. Snape looks at me concerned, and I return the look of 'what the hell do you think happened.' Draco holds my hand and we both begin to walk to Hogwarts, Snape trailing right behind us.


We get to the Great Hall everyone was already settled in, looks like we missed the sorting. No matter, it's always quite boring anyway.

We walk to the Slytherin table where Tori is waving us over.
"Great Merlin, if you needed to fuck real quick, you could've waiting until you got to the dorms like normal people." I rolled my eyes before Draco chuckles and says, "Are you offering your room then?" Tori's gags, "Gross, no. Do it in yours."

Dumbledore mentioned new changed in teachers this year. He introduced Professor Horace Slughorn, who would be teaching Potions this year. His words came as a shock to me. 'If he's teaching Potions, then what's Snape teaching?'
"Meanwhile, Professor Snape will take on teaching Defense Against the Dark Arts this year." Dumbledore announces. All of Slytherin cheer for their Head of House, while the rest of the students seemed to share whispers amongst themselves. I clapped a little bit louder than the rest, knowing Snape fully deserves this position.


We're back in the Slytherin common room, watching all the first years admire everything in the dungeons. Tori sighs, "Ah so young, so innocent." I giggle at her comment, before leaning back onto Draco, who's staring intensely into the fireplace. I latch onto one of his fingers and begin playing with his with mine.

Jake Lawrence walks into the common room with a few other guys before laying his eyes on me. "Still looking good, Deveroux." He licks his lips while saying in, making me shudder in utter disgust. Draco's head snaps in Lawrence's direction, scowling. I roll my eyes and lift up my left hand, "Still engaged, Lawrence." He chuckles, "...For now," before continuing up the staircase to the dorms.
I turn to Draco whose eyes follow Lawrence as he walks up the stairs, "Does he ever learn?" I giggle, "I'd rather have him than Pansy." Draco smirks at my comparison, knowing he has the worse of the two.

Draco kisses my forehead, then I look up at him, in his mesmerizing grey eyes. "You ok?" I ask. He gives me a half smile, "Better when I'm with you." He cups my cheek and pulls my face up to give me a kiss. A few seconds go by before our kiss was interrupted by Blaise jeering, "Get a room, you two." Draco looks at Blaise, then to me. He develops a mischievous grin on him face before saying, "Good idea."

He grabs my hand and makes a dash for the dorms. I managed to get some words in, "I think he was joking, Draco." Draco replies, "But I'm not." He gives me a wink before we rush to his dorm.

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