The Last Ride.

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I'm in a room... looks more like a dungeon. I try to stand up, but I can't... I'm chained. I look around and see no one, just a couple lanterns illuminating the room.
I see a shadow descending the stairs, and it's Draco? He stares at me, but he doesn't set me free. He points his wand to me, and it goes silent when he says something...

I opened my eyes and saw Draco's bedroom ceiling. I sat up scratching my head and looked over to the clock on his bedside: 8:13. I stretch my arms out and crawl out of bed.

We've stayed at the Manor for a few days, for a change of scenery. We end up staying here longer than anticipated, and now it's the first day back to Hogwarts.

I got out of the bathroom after washing up and see Draco sitting on the edge of his bed. "Good morning." I give him a kiss on his head. "Morning, love." He doesn't look up at me and just stares at the floor. I sigh and take a seat next to him, "It's just the first day of school. We don't have to do anything yet."
"I know," he grabs my hand, "but eventually, we will." I run my fingers though his messy blonde hair, that makes him look so riveting, "We can be normal students for now, ok?" He nods, and kisses my cheek before washing up.

I'm looking at myself in the mirror, making sure my attire matches. Now that I'm with Draco, I'd like to make sure that I also look the part. Draco wore his regular black suit and I matched with a black slimming dress and a casual black blazer, paired with black booted heels. I ruffled up my hair a bit before looking at my back side and making everything looked alright. I fixed the front of my blazer when Draco joins me in front of the mirror and wraps his arm around my waist, "Don't you look gorgeous, today." I begin to blush, "You don't look so bad yourself."

Draco is extremely attractive, like screaming hot... but you can tell that the stress he's under is pulling a toll on him. His face was slimmer, his skin a bit paler than before. Even his suits seem a tad baggier than what it used to be.

I kiss him on the cheek before saying, "Come on, we have to go. Train leaves at 11."


Draco's driver drops us off to King's Cross. Draco pushes our cart of luggage as I direct him through the station. We get to Platform 9 and 3/4 and he carries our personal baggage as we board the train.

We walk towards the back of the train, where Year 6 and Year 7 Slytherin students tend to occupy. We see Tori and Blaise already waiting, as well as the Goons. Draco lets me slide into the seat first, across of them, before he takes a seat next to me.

Luna Lovegood skips down the train passing out the newest issue of the Quibbler. "Lovegood!" She turns around, "I'll take one." She happily passes one to me while quickly exiting the Slytherin carriage. I begin to flip through the pages, reading some articles.
Tori asks, "You don't believe any of that rubbish, do you?" I shrug my shoulders, "Not always, but it's a good read when I want something different." Draco scoffs, "Quibbler... Loony and her Father are indecent idiots who will conform to whatever rubbish was fed to them." I roll my eyes before continuing to read my magazine.


It's a long while since we left the station. I've already finished reading the Quibbler and ended up gossiping with Tori, while Blaise and Draco talk among themselves.

Parkinson and Bulstrode walk to our table and only greets the boys. "Hi Blaise! Hi Draco!" They both say in unison. Tori loudly groans in disgust at the sight of the two girls. I chuckle at her reaction. Draco ignores the two while Blaise greets them back. They take a seat behind Draco and I, lean over to us and Pansy began to inquire about our summer... or more like Draco's summer.

"Drakey, what did you do this summer?" She begins to play with his hair. He whacked her hand away and answered, "Spent time with Joy." He squeezed my hand under the table. I gave Pansy a smile as Draco answered her, just to add salt to the wound.
Pansy scoffs, "You're still on that?" Pansy looks at me up and down, as if I disgust her. She goes on, "Come on, Drakey. We all know the engagement is a fluke." Draco looks at me and raises one eyebrow. I smirk, knowing exactly what's going on in his mind.

I turn my body to face Pansy and Bulstrode. "Pansy, get it through your head. He's unavailable. Honestly, it's quite tiring having to watch you embarrass yourself over and over." I rest my head on my hand, which is leaning against the table, to emphasize how tired I am of hearing her, making sure my left hand is within eyeshot, flaunting the massive engagement ring Draco gave me.

Pansy's and Millicent's jaws dropped once their eyes feasted on the rock on my finger.
I heard Tori squeal, "BLOODY FUCKING HELL! That ring is huge!" She grabbed my hand and closely inspected the diamond, "Draco! What the fuck?!" He smirked at the praise, "Only the best for her." He kisses my cheek and went back to talking to Blaise and the Goons.

I retract my hand away from Tori and held up my hand to display my ring to Pansy and Millicent, wiggling my ring finger. "Doesn't seem like a fluke, does it Parkinson?" I sweetly smile at her. She huffs and sinks back into her seat, not bothering us for a while after.


Suddenly, the carriage is filled with black smoke. I could hear everyone voices overlapping each other, trying to figure out what's going on.
I can hear Draco stand on his feet, "What just happened? Blaise?" The smoke begins to clear up. Blaise shrugs his shoulders, "Don't know." Draco slowly returns to his seat next to me.

I can see Hogwarts in the distance, but I could tell that we're still a long way from the castle. Draco leans over in front of me and looks out the window. I'm guessing he too could see Hogwarts, which causes him to say, "Hogwarts. What a pathetic excuse of a school. I think I'd pitch myself off of the astronomy tower if I thought I had to continue on for another two years." I hit his leg under the table, causing him to wince and shoot a look my way. I make a face to him, advising him to lighten the fuck up.

I still look out the window, watching the trees fly by. Draco taps me on the leg and darts his eyes above us. I look at him confused before he motions for me to keep watching. Soon enough, I saw our luggage above us move on its own. I look at Draco who's still watching the luggage. He returns my glare before silently mouthing, 'Potter.'

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