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Draco kept me company for a short while that night at Cokeworth until Snape arrived home at almost 4 AM and dismissed Draco from his babysitting duties.

"Owl me?" I ask him.
Draco nods and kisses my forehead before disapparating.

"He could've stayed..." I stared at the spot where Draco just disapparated from.

"No sleepovers," Snape was firm in his voice, "Not under my roof."

I giggled, "We're practically adults, Uncle Snape."

"Adults who seem to not make the right choices in everyday life," He sasses back.

I didn't know if I should feel offended or touched at his sass, "I've rubbed off on you."
I place my hand over my heart, "I'm so proud." I fake wiping a tear from my face.

He rolls his eyes at me.
"See?! Maybe I am your daughter." I joke.

Suddenly, Snape and I both winced at the pain coming from our left arms.
We both looked up to each other before disapparating to the Manor.

We both arrived in front of the mahogany door, wondering what was waiting for us in the other side.

I was hesitant to walk into the room, but Snape looked at me, "Just act normal."
I nod and followed him into the room, where Voldemort, along with the other Death Eaters waited.

"Joy... do you have what I have asked for?" Was the first thing to leave Voldemort's lips.

'Breathe. Just be a bitch.'

I held my head high and confidently walked across the room to my chair, seated next to him.

I sat down and began to fiddle with my wand. I looked up and saw that everyone was staring at me, Voldemort included.

"Oh... were you talking to me?" I smirk to him, his response being wildly annoyed with me.

I continue, "Obviously not, your highness."

"Then go get it." Voldemort orders.

I roll my eyes and continue to listen to the rest of the meeting.

He turns to face the other Death Eaters at the table.
My eyes immediately met Draco's. I raised my eyebrows to signal to him that I'm alright, and he does the same to say he understood.

"Notify the others," Voldemort announces, "Our time has come. Tonight is the night."

Nagini slithers across the floor near our feet and stays close to me. I gently let her on her head, tracing along the scratchy scales.

"Those who stand by my side will be rewarded greatly once we've conquered what should be ours."

All eyes were focused on Voldemort as he continued to talk about his goals for the Wizarding world, pureblooded wizards are superior... blah blah blah.

I quickly grew bored of the conversation and started to look around the room.
I realized that Snape was staring at me, with a sorrowful look.

I furrowed my eyebrows confused but was shocked by the sound of fists being pounded onto the table.

Voldemort begins to maliciously grin, "He will come to me tonight... and I will kill him once and for all."

The room was silent, all eyes peering down at the table... besides Bellatrix. Bellatrix was giggling her life away.

The meeting was adjourned but Voldemort requested to speak to me in private, so I've stuck around after the rest of the Death Eaters left the room.

I could feel Draco and Snape's eyes on me as they both left the room, hoping I'd be ok.

"How can I help you, Voldy?" I try to stay calm.

He stays quiet before saying, "You will prove yourself tonight, Joy. Show everyone how powerful you really are."

He lifts my chin with his finger, to which I forcibly push away, "What did I say about touching me?"

"You seem... different." He ignores my question, "Why?"

I shrug my shoulders, "Does it seem like I'm hiding anything?"
I focus my eyes on him, wondering if he'll say anything about what I've been experiencing... but he doesn't.

Instead, he squints his eyes and says, "I'll see you tonight, Joy. Get the diadem. Do not disappoint me."

I arrived to the estate and saw that Draco was waiting for me.

"For fucks sake!" Draco runs over to me and pulls me in his arms, "That took too long."

"It was 5 minutes, Draco."

"Still..." He moves some hair away from my face, "Did he do anything?"

I shake my head, "I don't know if I was imagining it now... it didn't seem like he was acting differently."

Draco sighs, "Come on, it's still early. We can catch up on some sleep."


"How are we supposed to get into Hogwarts?" Ron asks.

"We'll go to Hogsmeade. To Honeydukes. Take the secret passage in the cellar." Harry throws on his jacket.

"Is it safe?" Hermione ties her hair in a ponytail.

"How else do you expect to get to Hogwarts? I'm sure Snape has the whole place guarded with Death Eaters." Harry stands before them, "Unless we ask Rosie?"

Ron and Hermione both shrug, open to any other ideas.
Harry quickly got his quill and parchment, and began to write.


A few hours later, I woke up in Draco's arms, cuddling in bed. I woke up before him, of course and saw that it was already 11 o'clock.

'Shit, I missed my morning classes.'

I hopped into the shower and began to get ready. I could at least make my lessons in the afternoon.

I charmed myself into Rosie after I put on my Slytherin robes, and walked out of the bathroom to see Draco just getting up.

He looks over to me, "I like your old look better."

I giggle, "You sure about that? If I recall correctly, you had a thing for Rosie."

I walk over to my mirror to fix my tie when Draco says, "Why are you still going to school? Just stay with me."

"Partly to spy on behalf of Lord Voldy... partly to watch over Snape." I admit, "His plan or whatever he's doing is definitely stressing him out. He's paler than before."

Draco clears his throat, unsure if he should tell me that he's been assisting Snape with finding the crown... but he does anyway.

"He's asked me to help him." Draco blurts out.

I turn to him, shocked, "He asked you to help him... but not me?!"
I scoff, "Unbelievable."

Draco walks up behind me, and looks at me through the reflection. He wraps his arms around my waist and rests his head on my shoulder, "He's only trying to protect you... and so am I."

He spins me around to face him, "You're all we have." He gently kisses my forehead while I start to blush and I playfully push him away.

An owl comes to my window and I ask for Draco to get it for me while I continue to get ready.

I could see through the reflection of the mirror that Draco was just staring at the sealed envelope.

I walk over to him, "Who's it from?"

Draco hands me the envelope. I look at the handwriting and immediately recognize it... and by the look on Draco's face, he did too.

"Don't get mad." I warn him, and he continues to stare at the ground.

"I'm not mad." Draco's face stayed cold.
I roll my eyes and push his head to face me, "Draco..."

"I will only tolerate him for you." He finally says.
I smile and kiss his lips, "It's a start."

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