Back to what it was.

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It's been weeks since that night in the astronomy tower.
Draco avoids me now, which I understand. I haven't exactly been in the mood to see him outside of class either.

I'm studying in the library for the upcoming exams, and I noticed that there's less students now compared to around this time last year.
I'm marking down some notes when someone approaches my table.

"Can I sit here?"

Harry points at the empty seat across of me. "Go ahead," I motion for him to sit down.

We study in silence for a bit before I strike up a conversation, "Where's Ron and Hermione?"
He flips to another page, "Couldn't find them. I came by myself."

It gets quiet again before he mentions, "I got your letters." I look up to him, "Oh, cool. I wasn't sure if you were getting them or not."
He scratches his head, "Well, I wasn't sure how smart it would be for me to write back. You know... with your dad and all." I nod in agreement, "Yeah... but uhm, Hedwig found me. Did you send her?" Harry smiles, "Yeah! I just... wanted to see if she was still able to find you. No one knew if you were coming back to Hogwarts after..." He trails off. I can feel how nervous the person is when they almost mention Mother.

"I'm sorry about your mum." Harry adds on.
"Thanks," I start to think, "You know, for someone who should be afraid of me, you're acting pretty brave right now." He laughs, "Well, I am in Gryffindor." We both laugh at how stupid that sounded.

"You're doing pretty well in the tournament. You surprised me." "Thanks. I didn't really have a lot of support at first." Since his name was announced from the champion selection, I've noticed that most of his friends were kind of betting against him until recently, It was kind of sad.

"I was rooting for you... in silence. Not very wise for a Slytherin to be rooting for you," I look down at my book before mentioning, "I condemned Draco for making those buttons." At the corner of my eyes, I saw him smile. "You were one of the few that didn't wear it." I look up at him before he says, "I noticed."

I read my book a bit more before feeling the need to mention something to him.

"Harry... I think you need to be careful." He looks at me confused, "What do you mean?"

"This last task... I have a feeling something bad is gonna happen."


Later that day, I'm sitting under the tree near Hogwarts Lake, when Draco and the Goons approach me, quite quickly.
"What were you doing with, Potter?" I look behind Draco, where I see the Goons a few feet away from us, avoiding my glare. Guess they were still following me.

"So you're talking to me now?" I continue reading. I don't hear a response from Draco, although I can smell his cologne so I know he's standing not too far away from me.
I look up to him, "Doesn't concern you, Draco." I go back to reading my book. He snatches it from my hands, "Hey!" I quickly stand. He lifts my book above him, knowing I won't be able to reach it.
"Tell me what you were doing with Potter in the library." I shout over Draco for the Goons to hear me, "Wow, you two know what a library is?! You surprise me with something new everyday!" Draco demands my attention, "Joy!"

I sigh and turn back to him. "I was just talking to him."

"About?" He's getting so fucking annoying. "What does it matter? I was just talking to him!" I see that he's starting to get angry, "You think your father would appreciate knowing that you're befriending Potter?" I chuckle, "Really? Back to spying for my father? Tell me- Did Lucius even tell you what my Father has been doing since my Mother was imprisoned?!" Draco looks down at the grass. I scoff, "Yeah, didn't think so."
I whacked his arm to bend at his elbow, my book was now within reach. I snatched it from his hands before grabbing the rest of my things and leaving.
Draco shouts, "We're not done talking about this!"
"Yes, we are!" I keep walking towards the castle, dismissing his comment with a waving gesture.

Always. (A Draco Malfoy Story)Where stories live. Discover now