New 'friendships'.

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(A/N: Tiny bit of French language in this chapter. I'm sorry if it's not accurate! I went to google translate.)


I spent the summer with Binky and the rest of the house elves, since Father still hasn't returned home.
He's sent me a letter once so far, letting me know that things are going 'well' and that soon, things will 'fall into place'. I don't bother replying to them... I don't know what to say after knowing they were there the night that Cedric died.

I've also been owling Adrian this summer. We've only hung out twice, one of them being to grab our supplies  at Diagon Alley for the next school year. It's not that he's boring, it's just... I don't know what to do when I'm with him. I don't really go on dates. It's better through letters.

I haven't heard from Draco all summer. Not that I was expecting anything from him... I just wanted to make it clear that I haven't heard from him all summer. Nothing. Not once.


Binky is allowed to apparate into Hogwarts this year and visit me whenever he wishes, or whenever I need him. I told him to come see me whenever he gets lonely.

He drops me off at Kings Cross for the start of the new year. I tell him goodbye before boarding the train, in search of my friends.

I see Tori and Blaise in a compartment and I join in. "Hi guys!"
Tori jumps up, "Joy!" She pulls me in for a hug, "I missed you! I couldn't even see you before we left!" I completely forgot she traveled during the summer.
"Oh yeah! How was France?"
"C'était magnifique!" (It was magnificent!)
"I'm glad you enjoyed it!" The train begins to move and we were on our way back to school.

I was very close to asking Blaise where a certain blonde was, but lo and behold, the door glides open to said blonde fixing his hair, "Look who we have here."
"What's up, Malfoy?" Blaise brings him in for a handshake and Tori just waves.
He looks over to me before saying, "Damn Joy, looking good." He gives me a wink. I shrug my shoulders, "Always am."

We're about halfway to the school when a second year Slytherin opens our compartment door. "Deveroux?"
I look at the young boy, wondering how he knows my name. "Uh... yeah?"

He points down the train, "Pucey is looking for you. Prefect carriage."
Draco turns to me, "Why is Pucey asking for you?" I shrug my shoulder in ignorance, while sharing a look with Tori who was already smiling. I roll my eyes before dismissing the young boy.

I look out the window for a few minutes before Tori clears her throat, obviously to get my attention. I look to her as I realize Blaise and Draco are also looking at me. "...What?"
"Are you not gonna go?" "Nah."
Tori asks, "Why not?" Draco interjects, "And why is he asking for you?" I roll my eyes again before our compartment door glides open... again.

Adrian is standing in the hallway. "Deveroux, what gives? I called you over a while ago." "Ok, and?" "Are you not coming?" "I'm not a prefect." "But you're invited by one." "So?"
He rolls his eyes, "Come on, Joy. Please?"
I love when boys beg. It's so cute how needy they are sometimes.
I sigh before getting up and leaving the compartment. Adrian grabs my belongings that were stored above me and brings them along for me. He greets everyone else in our carriage. "Hey Tori." He turns to the boys, "Malfoy. Zabini." Blaise just nods his head as Draco just stares at him. Adrian shut the compartment door behind him and leads me to the prefect carriages.

"Since when did Joy hang out with Pucey?" Draco immediately asks Tori. "And when did he start calling you Tori?" Blaise now also interested in when this 'friendship' developed.
"I can't say anything, because I know nothing." Tori tries her best to not say too much because she herself knows that my business, is my business to tell. That is exactly why I love her.

"Come on, babe." Blaise tries to sweet talk her into telling them what was going on. "Nope. The last thing I want is to get on Joy's bad side. You'll have to ask her... both of you." She darts her eyes between the two boys who grew frustrated at their failed attempt of getting information.

Draco sticks his head out of the compartment and yells for Crabbe and Goyle. The Goons come running out of a carriage not too far down from where he is, wiping away some chocolate on their face. "Find out about Joy and Pucey. Everything and anything. Report back to me." Draco ordered the Goons and quickly dismissed them.
He shuts the door and slumps back down into his seat.

Joy and Pucey? No fucking way.

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