Missing something.

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The screaming of Draco's alarm clock woke up both of us. I tossed over in his bed and I hear him groan and slam his hand against the clock to disarm the sound. I felt him turn his body until he yelled, "Fuck!"
He quickly jumped out of bed and shook my body, "Love, we need to go class starts in 10!"

I too jumped out of bed and ran towards the bathroom, I quickly washed my face and gargled some mouthwash before realizing... I don't have my uniforms.

"Draco! I have nothing to wear!" I see him frantically trying to change into his dress shirt and pull up his trousers at the same time. He runs over to his closet and tosses me his robe and an extra dress shirt.
I catch it in my hands as I looked at him puzzled. He returned my glare, "You got a better idea?"
I thought for a second, and decided that maybe I should have a little fun today. I shook my head no, and wiggled out of my clothes. I quickly put on the dress shirt and robe, immediately followed him out the door right after.

We made it to DADA class with a minute to spare. We quickly took our seats before Umbitch came out of her office.

Class begun and she had us writing line to ensure that we retain the new information.
She walked around the classroom, inspecting each and everyone of our work. She stopped besides our table and cleared her throat.

"Miss Deveroux..." Her tiny giggle rattled my brain. "Yes, Professor?" I replied. I could see Draco's head lift up to listen in on our conversation.
"It seems you are missing your house tie, which seems your uniform to be out of dress code regulation." I looked down at my chest and realize, fuck she's right.

Draco interjects, "Professor, I have already deducted 5 points from Slytherin as I noticed the infraction. I was to notify you after class today."
Umbitch's glare went from mine to Draco's, where her eyes softened and gave him a nod and continued to walk around the classroom.

Draco let out a deep sigh as Umbitch believed his lie.
I leaned over to him and whispered, "You forgot to give me a tie!" He apologized, "I'm sorry! We were in a rush!"
I rolled my eyes and sighed, "Actually, that's not the only thing you forgot to give me."

I crossed my legs over under the desk to reveal the opening of the robes, drape open exposing my shiny, smooth exposed skin. Draco looked under the desk and I heard him breathe in sharply through his teeth, "Why aren't you wearing any bottoms under the robe?!" I smile, and grabbed his hand that was nearest to me and placed it on my thigh, helping it slowly run up against my skin. The touch sent chills down his body and mine simultaneously.

I leaned closer to him to whisper, "It looks like I forgot to wear my panties too." I hiked his hand up to my hips were we could feel no fabric against my skin, where the panty line should have been.

I hear him gulp down his saliva as he began to start drooling, and his Adam's apple bobbed up and down.
I giggled as he continued to stare at me, dumbfounded.

Umbitch dismissed the class shortly after and we all began to leave the classroom. I jumped off of my stool and turned to Draco who was still sitting in his seat.

I ask him, "Aren't you coming?"

He avoids looking at me in the eyes, "I'll just... be a minute." He began to squirm in his seat as I saw his member at full attention, begging to bust out of his bottoms.
I smirk at his uncomfortableness, and walked to the other side of him, placing one hand softly on his shoulder, as I leaned into his ear, my lips just slightly grazing on his earlobes. "Don't be too long," I whispered seductively. My eyes darted down again and saw his member twitch at my words. Draco's body stiffened as he grew more uncomfortable.

I happily tapped his shoulder and left the classroom thinking, 'that's what he gets for not fucking me last night.'

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