He's back.

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Word got around the castle of what happened with Draco and Olivia. I'm assuming Olivia told some of the Beauxbaton girls, then they told whoever they were hooking up with that night.

Now, everyone was looking at me with sympathy. Apparently, Draco and I were the Prince and Princess of Slytherin House. Now that we've 'broken up', everyone's acting... differently. I don't know how to explain it. People are fucking weird here.

It didn't take long for girls to fawn over Draco, though. He, of course, was loving the attention. Mr. Filtch caught him with a couple of girls every other night, snogging up at the astronomy tower. Every time I'm in the common room reading past curfew, I see Snape dragging him by the robes, telling him how tired he is of this happening and that he has better things to do than drag him back here.

I guess this is what it was like before I got here.


It was the night of the final task of the TriWizard tournament. We all gathered together and took a seat to watch the four champions compete one last time for eternal glory.

My nightmares have gotten worse lately, and I had an uneasy feeling about coming tonight.

We all applaud as the champions entered the arena. The band playing songs, getting everyone hyped for the last task. We cheer them on as Dumbledore talks to the champions before he explains the task to us all.

Harry's eyes meet mine as I gave him a wave. Draco saw me wave as his eyes looked at who I was waving to. He scoffs and whacked my hand down. I scowled at him before smiling at Harry. He smiled and waved back. I hope he remembered what I told him.

The canon popped and the champions all made their way into the maze, one by one. The band continued to play as they disappeared into the bushes. We all waited for the champions to return.

I started to develop a pounding headache a few minutes into the event. I could no longer stand so I took a seat, applying pressure to my temples.
Draco asked, "What's wrong with you?" I keep my eyes shut, trying to massage my temples, "Headache. I'll be fine." Time goes by and Fleur is the first to return. Bloody hell, she looks like death. She's trembling as she walks back to the stands, where the Beauxbaton girls and Madame Maxine are waiting for her.
Dumbledore's announces that she unfortunately has been eliminated from the competition.

My headache goes away, but I begin to hear a woman screaming bloody murder. I clutch my ears, hoping to block the sound as if it's right next to me. "Who the fuck is screaming?! Tell them to shut the fuck up!" Everyone that's surrounding me looks at me confused. "Joy, no one is screaming? Are you ok?" I nod at Tori. I'm still squeezing my ears shut as the scream gets louder and louder. I crouch down, hoping that it'll just stop! It actually does... and Dumbledore's announces that Viktor has also been eliminated from the game. Viktor?

I'm quick to stand up. Harry and Cedric are left! Someone from Hogwarts is gonna win!

We're still waiting for one of them to return. The band continues to play as we all keep our eyes on the last spot we've seen them at.

I'm staring at the same spot everyone else is looking at, but then... everything went black.

I see them, Harry and Cedric. They're in a graveyard.
Harry is yelling at Cedric to get back to the cup. I see the cup... it's right there.
Someone is coming out of the shadows... he looks familiar? I think I've seen his picture once or twice before. Father mentioned him at one point. Peter Pettigrew? And he's holding something? Someone? A baby?
There's a bright green flash. Cedric goes flying across the yard. His body lays still. Cedric's dead!!
My eyes can't get off of Cedric. He's dead! A new voice is introduced... I already know who it is.
Voldemort summoned for a few people to join them in the graveyard. I didn't pay attention to the rest until two names came up.

Deveroux. Malfoy.
Dad?! Lucius?!

I hear someone calling my name. "Joy? Joy!"

I open my eyes to see Tori, Draco and Blaise hovered around me. "Joy, are you alright? What happened?" Tori is fanning some air for me to breathe. I takes me a minute to realize I've passed out. "What happened?" My words are a little slurred.
Blaise answers me, "You fainted, Joy." Was it a dream? It couldn't have been, right?

Draco's staring at me, he looks worried. My eyes meet his and I remembered what I saw.
"Draco!" His arms are around me, assuming he's the one that caught me when I fell. I grab the flaps of his jacket and speak in a hushed tone so that no one but him can hear me, "...he's back. I saw your father and mine. He killed Cedric!" Draco looks at me confused until he realizes what I meant.
Suddenly, there's a bright flash as the band plays even louder. Everyone's attention goes to the front as Harry has arrived... but he's not alone.
I quickly stand up as all of our eyes go to him. Harry's leaning over something... and I quickly realize what... Cedric's body.

I tug on Draco's arm as he's just staring at what is happening. He looks at me as I look at him. This is definitely not good.

"He's back!" Harry screams.
"Voldemort is back!"

Harry's eyes were filled with tears. "I couldn't leave him! Not there! Not with him!"

Cedric's dad makes his way to his son. My heart aches for him. No one should have to bury their son. His cry echoes in the arena as everyone fell silent.

Cedric Diggory is dead and Voldemort was the reason why.

Harry looked at both Draco and I before Moody carried him away. His gaze lingered on me a little while more before he exited the arena.

Draco and I glanced at each other.

Things are happening... and it's gonna be a war.

Always. (A Draco Malfoy Story)Where stories live. Discover now